- This is a canva type web application that allows users to insert shapes (rectangle, circle, triangle) and upload images to make their own canvas template.
- Users can fill in color in chosen shape. There are options for assigning opacity and z-index as well.
- Similarly for uploaded images, there are options for opacity, z-index, radius to modify the image.
- Shapes and images are resizable, rotatable, and movable.
- Once user is done designing their template, it can save the template and also download the template in png format.
- Saved templates will be shown under Projects section and can be reused.
- JS, React, Tailwind CSS for frontend
- Nodejs, Express for backend
- MongoDB as the database
- Cloudinary for uploading images
- POST /api/create-user-design creates a new design in the database
- GET /api/user-design/:design_id retreives a specific user design
- PUT /api/update-user-design/:design_id updates a specific user design
- POST /api/add-user-image uploads the image to cloudinary and stores its url in database
- GET /api/get-user-image gets all the images uploaded by the user
- PUT /api/delete-user-image/:design_id deletes a specific design
- GET /api/user-designs gets all the designs created by user
- POST /api/user-register registers a new user
- POST /api/user-login for user login
- https://design-doodle.vercel.app/ (Work in progress)
- Or just clone the repo on your machine and run this command in VS Code terminal (while in root directory) -> 'npm run dev'