Welcome to my GitHub page! Here are some of my featured open source projects:
- Game of Life PVP: What if Conway"s game of life but PVP? Built with Godot 4 and C++20 with concurrency.
- serde-RESP: Redis RESP protocol serialization and deserialization with Rust serde.
- DEMagica: A fun (and perhaps useful) Minecraft mod that demonstrates using Kotlin for Forge modding!
- Kuantum Circuit Simulator: A Fast & Lightweight Quantum Circuit Simulator & Analyzer implemented in Kotlin. Quantum Computing is no coin-flipping!
- Luojia1 Cloud Detection: Detect cloud in nighttime images from Luojia-1 satellite using basic filters.
- AOF Student Check System: A comprehensive check-in system for student events I made with my friends back in high shcool with web/mobile/electron frontend and spring hibernate backend.
I also contributed to other open source projects, for example:
- codelibrary: A popular collection of algorithms and data structures in various languages.
- segtree: Generic segment tree data structure in various languages.
- ejml: A popular Java linear algebra library.
- AWS CloudFormation IoTWireless Resource Providers: Added FUOTA/MC resources to AWS CloudFormation, enabling automated and consistent provisioning of LoRaWAN IoT devices. (one of my intern projects)
- face_recognition: A very popular Python library for facial recognition.
Experimental Video Games:
- Game of Life PVP: What if Conway"s game of life but PVP? Built with Godot 4 and C++20 with concurrency.
- Animetic: Animetic is an infinite flying 2D side-scroller / 3D runner game that explores the difference and connection between animetism and cinematism, with artistic style inspired by Ghost in the Shell 2. (Unfortunately not open source since some art assets are created by my classmate and license limitations). Made with Unity.
Thanks for visiting!