Now, time is changing, maintainable and scalable are the most important in system development. NodeJS is the minialist javascript runtime build for web services. This repository is about some key-note when i learn nodeJS. Begin from node low-artchiture to node-module, node-framework.
- Node documents v12.x (lastest LTS): Everything you need to known.
- V8 engine: NodeJS was build at top V8 engine. Read more: [1],
- Event Loop: Event Loop is heart of NodeJS. Read more: [1], [2]
Express: Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js. The most popular framework Nodejs.
Meteor: Meteor is an ultra-simple environment for building modern web applications.
Koa: Koa is a new web framework designed by the team behind Express, which aims to be a smaller, more expressive, and more robust foundation for web applications and APIs. By leveraging async functions, Koa allows you to ditch callbacks and greatly increase error-handling. Koa does not bundle any middleware within its core, and it provides an elegant suite of methods that make writing servers fast and enjoyable.
Sails: makes it easy to build custom, enterprise-grade Node.js apps. Realtime framework MVC for NodeJS.
Fastify: a node.js framework that is designed to be the replacement of express.js with a 65% better performance. See benchmarks
FeatherJS: a framework for real-time applications and REST APIs
- body-parser: Node.js body parsing middleware.
- multer: Node.js middleware for handling
. - passport.js: Simple, unobtrusive authentication for Node.js
- pg: a collection of node.js modules for interfacing with your PostgreSQL database, support for callbacks, promises, async/await, connection pooling, prepared statements, cursors, streaming results, C/C bindings, rich type parsing, and more!
- express-promise-router: A lightweight wrapper for Express 4's Router that allows middleware to return promises
- proxymise: Chainable Promise Proxy. Lightweight ES6 Proxy for Promises with no additional dependencies. Proxymise allows for method and property chaining without need for intermediate then() or await for cleaner and simpler code.
- likely.js: A javascript library for collaborative filtering and recommendation engines designed for node.js
- ethereum/web3.js: Ethereum JavaScript API
- tensorflow/tfjs-node: A JavaScript library for training and deploying ML models
- nodemon: Monitor for any changes in your node.js application and automatically restart the server - perfect for development
- mongoose: elegant mongodb object modeling for node.js
- helmet: Express.js security with HTTP headers
- ✅ The Node.js best practices list (December 2020)
- Express application generator
- Docker node MVC - @bkfa*
- express MVC - @euclid1990*
- ejs: view engine that i like most -> write like pure html.
- pug: the most popular view engine for nodejs.
- hbs: express view engine wrapper for Handlebars
- hjs: hogan.js NPM package for express 3.x (hjs)
- twig: twig.js is a pure JavaScript implementation of the Twig PHP templating language
- vash: Vash, the 60 billion double-dollar template-maker. Razor syntax, for JavaScript templates
- History if Node.js on the timeline - @RisingStack
- What exactly is NodeJS? - @FreeCodeCamp
- You don't known Node - @SamerBuna
- Encryption and decryption in Nodejs - @Lollyrock
- Node Tuts - Node.JS Video Tutorials (screencast)
- Node book @Pana
- Node cool @sindrasorhus
- We're under attack 23 node security best practice @nodepractices
- 6 nodejs best practice @i0natan
- Simple server side cache for express.js with nodejs @nodefoundation
- Nodejs artchitecture p1- @bkfateam
- Nodejs artchitecture p2 - @bkfateam
- Các trình thông dịch javascript và V8 engine - @bkfateam
- Tài liệu nodejs-core tiếng việt
- Render ảnh với stream- @node
- NodeJS là gi - Bài viết khá sâu - @SotaTek
- NodeJS – Hiểu Asynchronous Event-Driven Nonblocking I/O - @SotaTek
- Chuyển sang lập trình Node.js - JavaScript - @Techmaster
- Tại sao bạn nên học Node.js? - @Techmaster
- Node JS Architecture – Single Threaded Event Loop
- Viblo community