Turns a MessagePort
into an remote procedure call (RPC) stub.
Modern web apps often need to deal with multiple JavaScript workers or VMs. The communication channel is often MessagePort
By converting a dedicated MessagePort
into an RPC stub, we can easily offload a Promise function to a different thread.
Make sure the pair of MessagePort
used for RPC is dedicated and not started. No other RPC, listeners, or posters should be using the same pair.
It is highly recommended to create a new MessageChannel
and convert them into RPC stub.
import { messagePortRPC } from 'message-port-rpc';
messagePortRPC(port1, (x, y) => x y);
import { messagePortRPC } from 'message-port-rpc';
const rpc = messagePortRPC(port2);
await rpc(1, 2); // 3.
One of the advantage of Web Worker is to offload computation-intensive functions.
Creates a new pair of MessagePort
, pass one of the port to the worker thread, then create a RPC stub on another port.
import { messagePortRPC } from 'message-port-rpc';
// TypeScript: define the function type.
type Fn = (x: number, y: number) => Promise<number>;
// Loads a Web Worker.
const worker = new Worker('./static/worker/js/main.js');
// Creates a new pair of `MessagePort` dedicated for RPC.
const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannel();
// Sends the dedicated port to the worker.
worker.postMessage(undefined, [port2]);
// Creates a function stub.
const callFunction = messagePortRPC<Fn>(port1);
// Calls the function stub.
const result: number = await callFunction(1, 2);
Receives the MessagePort
and registers an RPC function on the port.
import { messagePortRPC } from 'message-port-rpc';
// TypeScript: define the function type.
type Fn = (x: number, y: number) => Promise<number>;
// Receives the port dedicated for RPC.
addEventListener('message', ({ ports }) => {
// Registers an RPC function on the received `MessagePort`.
messagePortRPC<Fn>(ports[0], (x, y) => Promise.resolve(x y));
If the worker takes time to start, it is okay, no invocations would be lost. Thanks to MessagePort
, all messages will be queued internally until the other side signals ready to receive.
Client can abort an invocation sooner by passing an AbortSignal
via the withOptions
function. An AbortSignal
will be passed to the remote function inside this
In the following example, we assume the client is remotely invoking a fetch()
function, which supports AbortSignal
The following code snippet will use the AbortSignal
to abort the fetch()
messagePortRPC(ports[0], async url => {
// During an RPC call, the `AbortSignal` is passed in the `this` context.
const res = await fetch(url, { signal: this.signal });
// ...
The following code snippet will call the stub with additional options to pass an AbortSignal
const abortController = new AbortController();
const remoteFetch = messagePortRPC(port);
// Calls the stub with arguments in array, and options.
const fetchPromise = remoteFetch.withOptions({ signal: abortController.signal })('https://github.com');
// Aborts the ongoing call.
// The promise will reject locally.
fetchPromise.catch(error => {});
Notes: despite the AbortSignal
is passed to fetch()
, when aborted, the rejection will be done locally regardless of the result of the fetch()
Generators and iterators are supported. This helps iterating large set of data without sending it over.
and Iterator
are automatically converted to AsyncGenerator
and AsyncIterator
const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannel();
const iterateValues = (): Iterator<number> => [1, 2, 3].values();
forGenerator<Fn>(port2, iterateValues);
iterateValuesRemote = forGenerator<Fn>(port1);
for await (const value of iterateValuesRemote()) {
console.log(value); // Will print 1, 2, 3.
Explicit Resource Management is supported. Using await using
operator on client stub will close underlying ports when the iterator/generator is being disposed. On server stub side, Symbol.asyncDispose()
will be called if defined. Otherwise, Symbol.dispose()
will be called if defined. This behavior is equivalent to await using
on an object with both dispose functions set.
Notes: if you are calling next()
to iterate instead of for-loop, and iteration stopped prematurely before reaching { done: true }
, you should use using
operator or withOptions({ signal: AbortSignal })
to close underlying ports properly.
The following is simplified version of the API. Please refer to our published typings for the full version.
function messagePortRPC<T extends (...args: unknown[]) => Promise<unknown>>(
port: MessagePort,
fn?: (this: { signal: AbortSignal }, ...args: Parameters<T>) => ReturnType<T>
): {
(...args: Parameters<T>): Promise<ReturnType<T>>;
withOptions: (init: { signal?: AbortSignal; transfer?: Transferable[] }) => (...args: Parameters<T>): Promise<ReturnType<T>>;
function forGenerator<
T extends (...args: unknown[]) => Promise<Generator<TYield, TReturn, TNext>>,
TYield = unknown,
TReturn = any,
TNext = unknown
port: MessagePort,
fn?: t
): {
(...args: Parameters<T>): AsyncGenerator<TYield, TReturn, TNext>;
withOptions: (init: { signal?: AbortSignal; transfer?: Transferable[] }) => (...args: Parameters<T>): AsyncGenerator<TYield, TReturn, TNext>;
Instead of multiplexing multiple calls into a single MessagePort
, a dedicated MessagePort
simplifies the code, easier to secure and audit the channel, and eliminates crosstalk.
Internally, for every RPC call, we create a new pair of MessagePort
. The result of the call is passed through the MessagePort
. After the call is resolved/rejected/aborted, the MessagePort
will be shutdown.
With a new pair of MessagePort
, messages are queued until the event listener call MessagePort.start()
. In other words, with dedicated MessagePort
, calls are less likely to get lost due to false-start.
All arguments and return value will be send over the MessagePort
. The values must be transferable using the Structured Clone Algorithm by the underlying MessagePort
In other words, you cannot pass function
or class
as an argument or return value.
No, because the this
context is commonly a class object or globalThis
. Structured Clone Algorithm probably will not work for most this
If you need to pass this
, please pass it as an argument.
Yes, you can use it with <iframe>
However, despite the communication channel in <iframe>
is very similar to MessagePort
and supports Structured Clone Algorithm, it is not MessagePort
You will need to create a new MessageChannel
and use HTMLIFrameElement.contentWindow.postMessage()
to send one of the MessagePort
to the <iframe>
content window. Then, you can convert the MessagePort
into RPC with this package.
We think a single function is much simpler, less responsibility, and more flexible approach.
To create a pool of stubs, you should create multiple MessagePort
, one for each stub. Then, send it through an initializer stub. The receiver side receiving these ports should set up stubs for each of the port, registering their respective subroutine.
Yes, our implementation supports bidirectional and asymmetrical calls over a single pair of MessagePort
You can register different functions on both sides and call from the other side.
// On main thread:
// - a power function is hosted on the port;
// - the return value is the stub of the worker, which is a sum function.
const sum = messagePortRPC(port1, (x ** y) => x ** y);
await sum(1, 2); // 1 2 = 3
// On worker thread:
// - a sum function is hosted on the port;
// - the return value is the stub of the main thread, which is a power function.
addEventListener('message', ({ ports }) => {
const power = messagePortRPC(ports[0], (x y) => x y);
await power(3, 4); // 3 ** 4 = 81
No, you do not need to wait for a call to return before making another call.
Internally, all calls are isolated by their own pair of MessagePort
and processed asynchronously.
Yes, thanks to the Structured Clone Algorithm, you can send objects of Error
However, there are slight differences in the error object received.
const obj = await stub();
obj instanceof Error; // False. Error object from SCA has a different prototype.
Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Error]'; // True.
Alternatively, you can recreate the error object.
No, we do not support marshalling function.
Alternatively, you can channel MessagePort
to a pair of marshal and unmarshal functions. Make sure you implement both marshal and unmarshal functions on both sides of the port.
Yes, you can offload them to a Web Worker. Some notes to take:
- action and state must be serializable through Structured Clone Algorithm
- no classes, functions, DOM elements, no thunk, etc.
- middleware must not contains code that does not work in worker
- no DOM access, etc.
You can look at sample useBindReducer
and useReducerSource
to see how it work.
We will eventually made these React hooks available. Stay tuned.
To stop the stub, you should close the port by calling MessagePort.close()
The port for the stub must be dedicated and not to be reused. When you want to stop the stub from listening to a port, you should simply close the port.
We understood there are hassles to create MessagePort
We spent a lot of time experimenting with different options and landed on this design for several reasons:
- you own the resources and control the lifetime of the resources, less likely to resources leak
- you do not need to create the stub before sending the port to the other side
- you can control which side creates the ports and do not need to pipe them yourself
- you can build marshal/unmarshal function without too much piping
- you can build a
-like custom channel without extra piping
There are downsides:
- you forget to dedicate the
to a stub - you need to write one more line of code
At the end of the day, we think channel customization outweighted the disadvantages and made a bet on this design.
No, you cannot use BroadcastChannel
does not support sending MessagePort
and other transferable objects, which is critical to the operation of the stub.
We are professional developers. Our philosophy makes this package easy to use.
- Standards: we use
and Structured Clone Algorithm as-is - Airtight: we wrap everything in their own
, no multiplexing = no crosstalks - Small scope: one
host one function only, more flexibility on building style - Simple: you almost know how to write this package
- Maintainability: we relies heavily on tooling and automation to maintain this package
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Don't like something you see? Submit a pull request.