Cockpit is a mobile solution for checklist and audit in the real world.
It helps you to send information to your team, control your processes with checklists and provides dashboard of your operational execution.
Cockpit is used in the retail industry for store audit and management, healthcare for patient medical follow-up and many industries for equipment or process monitoring.
Ready-to-use, cockpit includes : users & groups management, checklist creation, pre-calibrated answer types, scoring and benchmarking as well as many other useful features.
Create/clone/modify questionnaires with dozens of answer types : yes/no, scale, MQC, photos, select, date, numbers...
Import people and organisation or manage your groups, roles & hierarchy as to write checklists, access dashboards and scoring...
Complete dashboard with benchmarks, scoring, filters, progressions and a lot more.
Automatically extract all the pics from your questionnaires to display and filter them in the photo gallery.
Build View module:
cd View
docker run --rm --name yarn -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app -w /usr/src/app node:lts-alpine sh -c "apk --update --no-cache --virtual build-dependencies add python3 make g && yarn install"
docker run --rm --name yarn -u $(id -u) -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app -w /usr/src/app node:lts-alpine yarn build
Build Admin module:
cd Admin
docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/code munenari/sencha-cmd /bin/bash -c "sencha app upgrade [email protected]; sencha app upgrade /opt/sencha/repo/extract/ext/; sencha app build; sed -i 's/ src=\"microloader.js\"//g' dist/index.html"
Build Studio module:
cd Studio
docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/code munenari/sencha-cmd /bin/bash -c "sencha app upgrade [email protected]; sencha app upgrade /opt/sencha/repo/extract/ext/; sencha app build; sed -i 's/ src=\"microloader.js\"//g' dist/index.html"
Build Cockpit container:
docker-compose build
Run container:
docker-compose up -d
Create MySQL DB and initialize Cockpit
docker exec -ti cockpit_app ./
docker exec -ti cockpit_app bin/console cockpit:core:init --drop
At this time, a superuser with the same password as keycloak admin (see .env file) can connect to Cockpit View, Admin and Studio.