This repository contains all the code for the thesis that I have written to complete the MSc program in Econometrics & Management Science at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. The title of the thesis is: "Prior sensitivity in time-varying parameter vector autoregressions".
A rough outline of the file structure is as follows:
- data - contains all the empricial data for the the thesis
- excel - contains all the cross-table analysis of the results
- notebooks - contains all the notebooks that were used in the thesis
- Runtimes.ipynb - computes the runtimes for each of the VI-based TVP-BVARs
- Sensitivity analysis.ipynb - runs in parallel the sensitivity analysis of the hyperparameters for several priors
- Simulation analysis.ipynb - analyses the results for the simulation study and compares the results of the VI-based TVP-BVAR to the MCMC-based TVP-BVAR
- Simulation datasets.ipynb - generates all the datasets necessary for the simulation study according to several DGPs
- Simulation study.ipynb - runs in parallel the simulation study for each of the priors
- Visualisations.ipynb - to visualise the plots for the sensitivity analysis
- rcode - contains all the rcode that was used
- GelmanRubin.R - calculates the Gelman-Rubin statistic for the MCMC-based TVP-BVAR and BVAR
- functions.R - all the functions that are necessary to conduct the sensitivity analysis
- results.R - analyses the results of the simulation study and compares MCMC-based TVP-BVAR to the BVAR and VAR
- runtimes.R - calculates the average runtimes for the models that were programmed in R
- simple_lr.stan - a simple OLS in Stan syntax to experiment with ADVI
- simulation_study.R - runs the simulation study in parallel
- stan_lr.R - used to experiment with ADVI and compare viability to MCM
- sensitivity - contains all .pkl files that were created in the sensitivity analysis
- simulations - contains the simulated datasets and results of the simulation study
- datasets - contains the simulated datasets, mind you that this folder is aroud 1GB.
- results - contains all the .pkl files with the results of the simulation study
- utils - the additional functions that are used in Python
- - contains the standardisation, transformation and DGP functions
- - contains the code for an experiment with an LSTM
- - contains the extra utilities necessary for the LSTM
- - contains the implementation of the VI-based TVP-BVAR for the three different priors
- visualisations - contains all the visualisations that are in the thesis
If you're not familiar with Git a good place to start is here.