This project is no longer mantained due to the existence of a hostile fork.
You are on the latest up-to-date repository of the project CrackMapExec ! 🎉
- 🚧 If you want to report a problem, open un Issue
- 🔀 If you want to contribute, open a Pull Request
- 💬 If you want to discuss, open a Discussion
(These are the people who did the hard stuff)
This project was originally inspired by:
Unintentional contributors:
- The Empire project
- @T-S-A"s smbspider script
- @ConsciousHacker"s partial Python port of Invoke-obfuscation from the GreatSCT project
See the project"s wiki for documentation and usage examples
Please see the installation instructions on the official wiki
Awesome code contributors of CME:
0wn everything