As the first non-founder employee at Discotech, I work hand-in-hand with the team to build the world's #1 nightlife iOS app (4.9 stars, 10K ratings). (The iOS app is native, Swift.)
As a side project, while the world was watching Netflix, I built an "indie Netflix," Hollywood Nights, a classic movie streaming platform. Everything β back-end, front-end, UI/UX, business. (The mobile apps are Flutter, the back-end is Clojure.)
- Run Swift with the Pharo "Swift Playground," interoperate with the live Pharo environment, inspect output and Swift ASTs, run asynchronous code.
- Similar commercial implementations are used at and
- Easily unregister block-based NSNotificationCenter observers using Resource acquisition is initialization.
- Swift and Objective-C libraries to determine readability and comprehension difficulty. (Includes CocoaPods support.)
- Swift and Objective-C examples showing how to add resolution independence and future-proof iOS projects by using vector graphics.
- Deep clean Xcode (with CocoaPods) projects. You know if you need it.
- Interact with unlimited chatbots, generate images, automatically update class comments with a generated Class Responsibility Collaborator (based on class definitions and source code).
- An introduction to scikit-learn (machine learning in Python) and Hy (a Lisp dialect embedded in Python).
- Software visualization of Project Malmo (with OpenAI), a platform for AI experimentation and research built on top of Minecraft.
- Smalltalk implementation of ELIZA, an early natural language processing computer program. There are similar implementations for Go and Swift.
- Browse, create, edit, and fork Gists via the Gist Browser, create Gists from Playgrounds, Gist Press support, and more.
- Something more than "Hello World" examples for developers to get acquainted with other languages and development paradigms. Included are Clojure, F#, Newspeak, Pharo, Racket, and Squeak.
- Bootstrap an F# Visual Studio solution on UNIX (with console, library, and test projects).
A cryptocurrency implementation in Racket with peer to peer network and smart contracts support.
A markdown to HTML (and back again) app using ClojureScript and React. Try it out live!
Interact with the Twitter API, objects to work with RSS feeds and the Fever API, create and validate JSON Web Tokens, and sign URLs for the Amazon Product Advertising API... all within the live Pharo environment.
The archive for aspect-oriented programming with Cocoa and Objective-C.
Source code for a Self (the experimental test system for language design) demo by Chris Double.
... and more.