C++ wrapper around the embedded graphics library, LVGL
- Release notes can be found in ReleaseNotes.md
- Discussions on Github are a great place to ask questions and get answers.
- The full Doxygen-generated docs can be found on my Github Pages at LVGLPlusPlus Doxygen Docs
- If you"re unfamiliar with LVGL, please go check out the Main LVGL Site
- The interactive forum for LVGL is also an excellent resource. Go check it out at LVGL Forum
- The main github repo for LVGL itself is at LVGL Main.
- The PlatformIO example on LVGL is at LVGL with PlatformIO
- The build environment I use is Microsoft VSCode with the PlatformIO extension. This library is a PlatformIO library. The author of LVGL gives some setup advice in the README for LVGL with PlatformIO
- Feel free to email me - b o b dot w o l f f 6 8 at g m a i l dot com - happy to entertain questions.
- Two sample projects can be found as well:
First and foremost - please feel free to use this as is. I"d be happy to hear suggestions and even gain help from others to more fully connect LVGL features to the lvppPlusPlus library.
- Continue to gain more homgeneneous consistency amongst the classes.
- Add an animation co-class helper to give easy access to animations ala LVGL
- I could really use a Windows-oriented person to set a course for building and testing on Windows in the "native" / "emulation" mode. I only have a Mac these days so that"s become a hole in the overall plan, currently.
- Having a Mac person to go through the steps to setting up the simulator (mostly the installation of SDL2) and writing down that set of success steps would be a great addition as well.
Please do strike up a discussion if you have (constructive) ideas. I"m game to brainstorm with positive thinking folks on the structure and how it marches forward.
Thanks! Bob Wolff - aka roboBob