Microsoft Rewards (Bing Rewards) Bot - Completes searches and quizzes , written in Python! 🙌
This program will automatically complete search requests and quizzes on Microsoft Rewards! Search terms are the daily top searches retrieved using Google Trends' api. This bot runs selenium in headless mode for deployment on VPS and for increased performance on local machines. The bot also uses selenium's user agent options to fulfill points for all three platforms (pc, edge browser, mobile). 100% free to use and open source. Code critique/feedback and contributions welcome!
- Completes PC search, Edge search, Mobile search via user agents
- Retrieves top daily searches via google trends' API
- Completes polls, all types of quizzes (multiple choice, click and drag and reorder), and explore dailies
- Headless mode (Confirmed working on DigitalOcean linux droplet)
- Supports unlimited accounts via JSON, in randomized order.
- Randomized search speeds
- Logs errors and info by default, can log executed commands and search terms via changing log.level to logging.DEBUG
- Tested and confirmed working for U.S. (more to come!)
Python 3.6
Requests 2.21.0
Selenium 3.14.0
Chrome Browser
Chromedriver for Selenium 2.45 (special download - see below)
Clone and navigate to repo
Modify ms_rewards_login_dict.json with your account names and passwords, remove .example from filename.
Enter into cmd/terminal/shell:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- This installs dependencies (selenium)
Enter into cmd/terminal/shell:
python --headless --mobile --pc --quiz
- enter
for more instructions--headless
is for headless mode--mobile
is for mobile search--pc
is for pc search--quiz
is for quiz search
- Script by will execute mobile, pc, edge, searches, and complete quizzes for all accounts (can change this setting in the .py file)
- Script by default will run headlessly (can change this setting in the .py file)
- Run time for one account is under 5 minutes, for 100% daily completion
- If python environment variable is not set, enter
- enter
For completing points from email links:
Modify email_links.txt file with email links.
Copy and paste links without surrounding quotes, each on individual line, like such:
httplink1 httplink2 httplink3
Enter cmd/terminal/shell argument
python --email
Script will be manual, requires key press to continue, as the quizzes are not yet standardized.
Crontab (Optional for automated script daily on linux)
- Enter in terminal:
crontab -e
- Enter in terminal:
0 12 * * * /path/to/python /path/to/ --headless --mobile --pc --quiz
- Can change the time from 12am server time to whenever the MS daily searches reset (~12am PST)
- Change the paths to the json in the .py file to appropriate path
- Enter in terminal:
General Instructions for installing Chromedriver (Windows, Linux, OS X)
- download chromedriver here
- extract to python parent directory e.g. 'C:\Python37-22'
- ensure the python directory is in path (environment variables for windows users)
if on OS X:
brew install chromedriver
if on Linux:
- Download chromedriver from link above.
- Download and extract to python directory (e.g. to /usr/local/bin)
- Enable permissions:
sudo chown root:root /usr/local/bin/chromedriver
sudo chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/chromedriver
- Comment out Windows/MacOSx chromedriver path on line 138, uncomment line 141 for Linux support.
- Argparse for options:
- logging
- custom user agents
- Rewrite script into class-based code or Organize monolithic code into different py files for maintainability
- os.environ variables for multiple logins (current account names and passwords are too long)
- Proxy support
- Multithreaded mode or seleniumGrid
- Support for other regions
100% free to use and open source. 🙈 🙉 🙊
- Error handling for 'credits2', function should exit and script should continue to execute.
- Migrated to chrome/chromedriver
- Immediate improvement in speed and stability over firefox/geckodriver
- Appears to use less RAM than firefox (suprisingly..)
- May be possible to run on raspberrypi (rpi has chromedriver)
- Mitigated credits2 error by performing an action before going to search URL
- Performance improvements
- Fixed login, now waits until page is fully loaded
- Replaced urllib api call with requests
- Updated get points with chrome extension source, less prone to error (credit to Shoginn for the url!)
- Updated quizzes to log open quiz offers, completed quiz offers, all points
- Modified error catching for alerts, combined with timeoutexception
- Misc fixes
- Fixed issue with daily poll IDs changing
- Added check for sign-in prompt after click on a quiz
- Misc fixes
- Added argparse
- Added points from email links
- Added randomized account login order
- Reworked API to google trends
- Fixed logging
- Fixed issue with dropped searches
- Initial release
- Basic functionality for completing searches and quizzes.