Implementations of Hoverfly proxy in Spring Boot using Bolt DB.
brew install SpectoLabs/tap/hoverfly
More :
go get
More :
Hoverfly behind a proxy
hoverctl start --upstream-proxy http://corp.proxy:8080
Upstream proxy authentication
hoverctl start --upstream-proxy http://my-user:[email protected]:8080
Controlling a remote Hoverfly instance with hoverctl
hoverfly -ap 8880 -pp 8555
On your local machine, you can create a target named remote using hoverctl. This target will be configured to communicate with Hoverfly.
hoverctl targets create remote
--admin-port 8880
--proxy-port 8555
Now that hoverctl knows the location of the remote Hoverfly instance, run the following commands on your local machine to capture and simulate a URL using this instance:
hoverctl -t remote mode capture
curl --proxy
hoverctl -t remote mode simulate
curl --proxy
You will now need to specify the remote target every time you want to interact with this Hoverfly instance. If you are only working with this remote instance, you can set it to be the default target instance for hoverctl.
hoverctl targets default remote
How can I view the Hoverfly logs?
hoverctl logs
Why am I not able to access my Hoverfly remotely?
That’s because Hoverfly is bind to loopback interface by default, meaning that you can only access to it on localhost. To access it remotely, you can specify the IP address it listens on. For example, setting to listen on all network interfaces.
hoverfly -listen-on-host
hoverfly -ap 8880 -pp 8555 -listen-on-host XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX -db "boltdb" -db-path ~/sample.db
INFO[2018-07-18T15:24:22 05:30] Default proxy port has been overwritten port=8555
INFO[2018-07-18T15:24:22 05:30] Default admin port has been overwritten port=8880
INFO[2018-07-18T15:24:22 05:30] Listen on specific interface host=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
INFO[2018-07-18T15:24:22 05:30] Initiating database databaseName=/Users/bhawani.s.shekhawat/sample.db
INFO[2018-07-18T15:24:22 05:30] Using boltdb backend
INFO[2018-07-18T15:24:22 05:30] Proxy prepared... Destination=. Mode=simulate ProxyPort=8555
INFO[2018-07-18T15:24:22 05:30] current proxy configuration destination=. mode=simulate port=8555
INFO[2018-07-18T15:24:22 05:30] Admin interface is starting... AdminPort=8880
INFO[2018-07-18T15:24:22 05:30] serving proxy
import org.springframework.http.client.SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory;
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory requestFactory = new SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory();
Proxy proxy = new Proxy(Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress("XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX", 8555));
restTemplate = new RestTemplate(requestFactory);
Programme programme = restTemplate.getForObject("{id}", Programme.class, programId);
Hoverfly middleware can be written in any language. Middleware modules receive a service data JSON string via the standard input (STDIN) and must return a service data JSON string to the standard output (STDOUT).
To implement more dynamic behaviour, middleware should be combined with Hoverfly's synthesize mode (see the Creating synthetic services section).
This example will change the response code and body in each response.
Ensure that you have captured some traffic with Hoverfly
Ensure that you have NodeJS installed
Save the following code into a file named example.js and make it executable (chmod x example.js):
#!/usr/bin/env node
process.stdin.on('data', function(data) {
var parsed_json = JSON.parse(data);
// changing response
parsed_json.response.status = 201;
parsed_json.response.body = "body was replaced by JavaScript middleware\n";
// stringifying JSON response
var newJsonString = JSON.stringify(parsed_json);
Restart Hoverfly in simulate mode with the example.js script specified as middleware:
./hoverfly -middleware "./example.js"
Repeat the steps you took to capture the traffic You will notice that every response will have the 201 status code,
and the body will have been replaced by the string specified in the script.