My name is Samir. I'm currently a junior at Temple University in Philadelphia, studying Computer Science! This profile is a mish-mosh of forks I'm working on with other people and school projects. If you want to see some of the personal projects I've been working on, your best bet would be my Gitlab profile.
- TypeScript is my playground. It is also where I write many of my projects. I mainly use node.js
- Java is my first strongly-typed language, and I must say I love it. I was "forced" to learn it because of a computer science class, and I've found that types are very useful.
- I will occasionally dabble in Python. It's pretty easy to write, although I am not as proficient in it as I am with TS.
- I've written an app or two with pure HTML/CSS, although recently I've been really into React.js/Next.js. I've published a couple of apps using React and Next.js, among them: Who's Walking Olive?.