##CastChat - simple tool for managing your worker group
start servers on your workers adding paramter --server:
python devopsscript.py --server
This will invoker starting servers and making them to listen to port due to get group messages.
If you want your workers to execute some file just type:
python devopsscript.py --client --filename local_file
This will invoke upload-execution-statistic_collection loop:
- Firsly local_file would be uploaded on all of your worker using multicast
- Secondly each of workers would execute uploaded file
- Thirdly execution statistics would be sent to client
If you want to specify port of woker or server just set --port parameter, for example:
python devopsscript --server --port port_number
- --server - start script in server mode
- --client - start script in client mode, wich allows to manage workers (servers) in group
- --filename - set path to local file including it's name, which should be sent to servers and executed on them
- --port - set port on which script should work