I created this project as an open source initiative to help resolve the issues on the Flutter Repository faster. Being a Flutter Developer myself, I have always applauded the commitment of the Flutter team to help and resolve issues, but when you have 7,000 open issues, it definitely helps to have as much community support as we can get.
- It hits the Github Search API for issues, that are open. The full URL which is used is:
https://api.github.com/search/issues?q='e' is:issue state:open repo:flutter/flutter&sort=updated
For consecutive requests we alternate between sorting by updated
and created
In response, GitHub gives us a list of issues, which we go through to identify which issues to tweet about.
Finally when we have our selected list, we use capture-website to get a screenshot of the issue url, and then send the image along with a tweet. This is done for all the selected issues.
git clone https://github.com/ayush221b/flutter-issues-bot.git
cd flutter-issues-bot
npm install
touch .env
Then inside the .env file, put in all your Twitter API credentials, as per the keys given in config.js
- Fork the Project to your GitHub Account
- Clone the forked repo
- Create a branch
- Make some changes
- Push to your repo
- Open Pull Request