The NodeJS server is built on a customized sailsjs framework: [sails-mongoose-boilerplate( This supports the following features:
- Opinionated MVC framework. See Controllers and Models
- RESTful JSON API via blueprints
- WebSocket support
- ...and more that you can read about here
- Replaced the Waterline ORM with Mongoose. Note that Mongoose works with Blueprints!
- ES6/7 with Babel, including await-async
- Unit testing with Mocha Unit Testing Framework and Should.js Assertion Library
- React and Redux support (although I recommend using react-redux-universal boilerplate)
- Immutable.js support
- Bluebird promise library
- Add file upload demo
- Connect Mongoose to Blueprint sockets
- Add ESLint
- Upgrade sails-hook-babel to ES6 and strip out custom Babel implementation