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Sunder bindings for raylib


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Sunder bindings for raylib.

Build and Install

Build the raylib.sunder and raymath.sunder bindings as well as the PLATFORM=PLATFORM_DESKTOP library (libraylib.a) and the PLATFORM=PLATFORM_WEB library (libraylib-web.a):

$ make build build-web

Set RAYLIB_DIR=/your/path/to/raylib to use a local copy of the raylib Git repository instead of automatically cloning the repository master branch.

$ make build build-web RAYLIB_DIR=~/sources/raylib

Install the raylib sunder bindings, raylib libraries, and the raylib-config utility to $(SUNDER_HOME)/lib/raylib:

$ make install install-web

Building the Example Program (Linux)

For some C program (in this case examples/example.c) built with the commands:

$ cc -o example examples/example.c -lraylib -lGL -lm -lpthread -ldl -lrt -lX11

the equivalent Sunder program (in this case examples/example.sunder) would be built with:

$ SUNDER_CFLAGS=$(${SUNDER_HOME}/lib/raylib/raylib-config desktop) \
    sunder-compile -o example examples/example.sunder

Building the Example Program (HTML 5)

Compiling for the web (HTML 5) requires the Emscripten toolchain (wiki entry).

$ SUNDER_ARCH=wasm32 SUNDER_HOST=emscripten SUNDER_CC=emcc \
    SUNDER_CFLAGS="$(${SUNDER_HOME}/lib/raylib/raylib-config web) -sSINGLE_FILE=1 --shell-file emscripten-shell.html" \
    sunder-compile -o example.html examples/example.sunder

Additional Notes

When developing on the Pinebook Pro (or similar platforms), raylib may fail to initialize the OpenGL context with a GLXBadFBConfig error due to OpenGL 3.3 not being supported. If this occurs, set LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=true to force software rendering.

$ LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=true ./raylib-application

Alternatively, build with RAYLIB_MAKEFLAGS='GRAPHICS=GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_ES2' to use OpenGL ES2 for both desktop and web builds.



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See LICENSE for more information.