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Kubernetes hands on tasks

TASK 1 (Daemonset with node affinit)

Deploy a DaemonSet that runs a monitoring agent (e.g., Fluentd) on specific nodes based on node labels. Configure resource limits to control CPU and memory usage.
Solution:TASK 1 Solution

TASK 2 (Deployment with sidecar and init containers)

In this simple example you will learn how to create a deployment with init and sidecar container
Solution:TASK 2 Solution

TASK 3 (Static pods with readiness and liveliness probes)

In this example you will learn how to configure a staic pods with readiness and liveliness probes
Solution:TASK 3 Solution

TASK 4 (Network policy to control traffic)

In this example you will learn how to Set up a Kubernetes NetworkPolicy to restrict communication between pods in different namespaces. This will introduce you to Kubernetes networking and security controls.
Solution:TASK 4 Solution