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Provides goto definition functionality for require js modules.


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This started as a self-built tool when I was working on a require-based project to help with code navigation. It received some attention at that time and the community helped a lot to bring this extension to this final form. Lately, I didn't have time to work on this project. Recently, I have tried to upgrade vscode version and other tools to make it run and test like it was before, but there were too many required changes (some of which I don't even understand at times) and I decided it was not worth the effort. Being an almost dying module system, I decided to drop support for the extension. I'm not planning to remove it from the store but I know it is not working properly with new vscode versions. If someone prepares a modernized PR with a fully functional extension and tests, I'll try my best to review and merge it.

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Provides goto definition functionality for require js modules.

You can navigate to the source file from locations marked with the caret (^);

            ^       ^

require(['moduleA', 'moduleB'], function(a, b) {
            ^           ^                ^  ^
    var foo = a;
         ^    ^
    var bar = b;
         ^    ^
      ^  ^
     ^    ^

define('myName', ['moduleA', 'moduleB'], function(a, b) {
                      ^  	     ^                ^  ^
    var foo = new a();
         ^        ^;
     ^   ^


You can set module path relative to workspace root with


without leading and trailing slashes.


    "requireModuleSupport.modulePath": "modules"

This will translate to [WORKSPACE_ROOT]\modules

It will default to workspace root path if not given. You can also use relative paths on require/define calls.

Another option is;


When set to true, it will prevent the final search in the landing module and instead just reference the file. When this feature is left as false, the constructor or property that the goto definition operation has started with will be searched in the module file.

If you use a dedicated RequireJS configuration file, which specified paths to sub-components or plugins, you can load it to help the module path resolution:


The value of requireModuleSupport.modulePath will be used as baseUrl then.


"requireModuleSupport.configFile": "config.js"

This will evaluate the file [WORKSPACE_ROOT]\config.js with require = requirejs.

If you use RequireJS plugins in your projects, which do not require appending file extensions to their target modules, you will need to supply these extensions too:



"requireModuleSupport.pluginExtensions": {
    "css": ".css"

This will ensure, that a module reference like "css!views/panel" will be handled as "css!views/panel.css" before resolving the actual module path.

If you for some reason are using custom define and require names, those can be configured with

"requireModuleSupport.requireName": "requireCustomName",
"requireModuleSupport.defineName": "defineCustomName"

And this will resolve correctly.

RequireJS Config Files

RequireJS configuration properties like paths, bundles and config are usually maintained in a separate file in a single require.config() statement. This file can be evaluated, when the project is loaded on debug pages, when the project is built (for root components) and in other situations - like this editor plugin.


// config.js
    paths: {
        ui: 'ui/src', // The "ui" component is located elsewere.
        css: 'libraries/css' // A shortcut for the full module path.

// main.js
require(['ui/views/panel'], function (Panel) {
    const panel = new Panel();

// ui/src/views/panel.js
define(['css!./panel'], function () {
    function Panel () {
        this.el = ...;
    return Panel;

// ui/src/views/panel.css
.panel {

JSX support

You can use the completion system with JSX files as well. You just need to set pluginExtensions option properly and import your JSX files like jsx!/src/moduleA. Example requireModuleSupport.pluginExtensions;

"requireModuleSupport.pluginExtensions": {
    jsx: ".jsx"

You can change object keys as you see fit.



code --install-extension lici.require-js

in your command line, assuming vscode is installed and registered in your path. Or run;

ext install lici.require-js

in command P menu of vscode.


The project is maintained at: gitHub

If this extension helped you, consider supporting its development at;