A third-party BZFlag plug-in API that consists of functions that do not exist in the official API. There are a lot of functions access BZFS headers directly, a practice that is discouraged, and there are some convenience functions as well.
If you have written a useful function in the past and would like to add it to the toolkit, send a pull request for it to be reviewed and added. Please note, your function may be renamed to fit the toolkit's naming convention and the code style may be also be changed in order for the style remain the same.
- alezakos
- allejo
- Dracos85
- mdskpr
- Murielle
- sigonasr2
If you are using Git to develop your plug-in, add bzToolkit as a submodule to your plug-in repository.
git submodule add https://github.com/allejo/bztoolkit.git
If you aren't, simply clone bzToolkit into the same folder as your plugin.
git clone https://github.com/allejo/bztoolkit.git
After you have added bztoolkit to the folder, simply add the following header to your code.
#include "bztoolkit/bzToolkitAPI.h"
If this toolkit is included with "plugin_utils.h," you will recieve conflict errors. If you are including "plugin_utils.h" to support reading a cofiguration file using the PluginConfig
class, simply include "plugin_config.h" instead and it will still work.