$ npm install mockgen --save
using chance.js wrapper for generating semi-random values
const MockGen = require('mockgen');
const generateMyMock = MockGen((chance) => ({
// basic
bool: chance.bool(),
character: chance.character(),
floating: chance.floating(),
integer: chance.integer(),
natural: chance.natural(),
string: chance.string(),
// text
paragraph: chance.paragraph(),
sentence: chance.sentence(),
syllable: chance.syllable(),
word: chance.word(),
// person
age: chance.age(),
birthday: chance.birthday(),
cf: chance.cf(),
cpf: chance.cpf(),
first: chance.first(),
gender: chance.gender(),
last: chance.last(),
name: chance.name(),
prefix: chance.prefix(),
ssn: chance.ssn(),
suffix: chance.suffix(),
// mobile
android_id: chance.android_id(),
apple_token: chance.apple_token(),
bb_pin: chance.bb_pin(),
wp7_anid: chance.wp7_anid(),
wp8_anid2: chance.wp8_anid2(),
// web
avatar: chance.avatar(),
color: chance.color(),
domain: chance.domain(),
email: chance.email(),
fbid: chance.fbid(),
google_analytics: chance.google_analytics(),
hashtag: chance.hashtag(),
ip: chance.ip(),
ipv6: chance.ipv6(),
klout: chance.klout(),
tld: chance.tld(),
twitter: chance.twitter(),
url: chance.url(),
address: chance.address(),
altitude: chance.altitude(),
areacode: chance.areacode(),
city: chance.city(),
coordinates: chance.coordinates(),
country: chance.country(),
depth: chance.depth(),
geohash: chance.geohash(),
latitude: chance.latitude(),
longitude: chance.longitude(),
phone: chance.phone(),
postal: chance.postal(),
province: chance.province(),
state: chance.state(),
street: chance.street(),
zip: chance.zip(),
// Time
ampm: chance.ampm(),
date: chance.date(),
hammertime: chance.hammertime(),
hour: chance.hour(),
millisecond: chance.millisecond(),
minute: chance.minute(),
month: chance.month(),
second: chance.second(),
//timestamp: chance.timestamp(), -- DO NOT USE THIS function.
timezone: chance.timezone(),
year: chance.year(),
// Finance
cc: chance.cc(),
cc_type: chance.cc_type(),
currency: chance.currency(),
currency_pair: chance.currency_pair(),
dollar: chance.dollar(),
euro: chance.euro(),
exp: chance.exp(),
exp_month: chance.exp_month(),
exp_year: chance.exp_year(),
// helpers
pickone: chance.pickone([ '123', '234', '345', '456', '567' ]),
pickset: chance.pickset([ '123', '234', '345', '456', '567' ], 3),
shuffle: chance.shuffle([ '123', '234', '345', '456', '567' ]),
d4: chance.d4(),
d6: chance.d6(),
d8: chance.d8(),
d10: chance.d10(),
d12: chance.d12(),
d20: chance.d20(),
d30: chance.d30(),
d100: chance.d100(),
guid: chance.guid(),
hash: chance.hash(),
n: chance.n(chance.state(), 30),
normal: chance.normal(),
radio: chance.radio(),
rpg: chance.rpg('3d10'),
tv: chance.tv(),
unique: chance.unique(chance.state(), 5),
$stepOneOf1: chance.$stepOneOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), // every cycle of generating cursor increment predictable (it is not random)
$optional1: chance.$optional(chance.integer(), null), // chance to be integer or null
$optional2: chance.$optional(chance.integer()) // chance to be integer or null (by default)
generateMyMock.version(); // some hash of generator version. it depends from definitions
const result = generateMyMock.generate(); // generate
const results = generateMyMock.generate(100); // generate 100 items