Consoli can output the content of console to a DOM element.
It hosts all the console methods including:
- log
- info
- warn
- error
- assert
- clear
- group
- groupCollapsed
- groupEnd
- count
- time
- countReset
- timeEnd
- dir
- table
import {consoli} from '';
const container = document.createElement('div');
const logger = consoli(container);
logger.warn('warning: something is wrong');
Work with Consola
import {consola} from '';
import {consoli} from '';
const container = document.createElement('div');
window.console = consoli(container, {hintIcon: false, console: {warn: true, error: true}});
document.body.appendChild(container);"Using consola 3.0.0");
consola.start("Building project...");
consola.warn("A new version of consola is available: 3.0.1");
consola.success("Project built!");
consola.error(new Error("This is an example error. Everything is fine!"));"I am a simple box");
await consola.prompt("Deploy to the production?", {
type: "confirm",
// esm
import {consoli} from 'dom-consoli';
// cjs
const {consoli} = require('dom-consoli');