Creating a Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V) mod to automatically load all addon NPCs requires some understanding of GTA V modding, scripting, and possibly working with the Script Hook V and other modding tools. Below is a basic outline and code example for such a mod using C# and Script Hook V .NET. This example assumes you have already installed Script Hook V and Script Hook V .NET. Requirements:
Steps to Ensure Proper Setup
Add ScriptHookVDotNet3 Reference:
Right-click on your project in the Solution Explorer.
Click on References.
Select Add Reference.
Browse to the location of ScriptHookVDotNet3.dll and add it.
Add the Correct Script Code:
Ensure your project has a file named LoadAddonNPCs.cs.
Replace the content of LoadAddonNPCs.cs with the corrected C# script provided above.
Update Target Framework:
Right-click on your project in the Solution Explorer.
Click on Properties.
In the Application tab, change the Target framework to .NET Framework 4.8.
Save the changes.
Compile Your Project:
Build the project by clicking Build > Build Solution.
This will generate a .dll file in the bin\Debug or bin\Release folder within your project directory.
Place the Script:
Copy the compiled .dll file to the scripts folder in your GTA V directory.
Ensure the addonNPCs.txt file is also in the scripts folder.
Run the Game:
Launch GTA V.
The script will automatically run and load the addon NPCs as specified in the addonNPCs.txt file.
By following these steps, you should resolve any errors and ensure your script works as intended.