A more sensible implementation of a RooStats demo:
- ROOT v6
- RooFit
- RooStats
- (optional) PROOF
- (optional) Boost
Type make
to compile.
The output should be in bin/
If it fails, make sure you have all the requirements installed.
If you don't have Boost installed, you'll have to re-write src/main.cpp
yourself and find some other way to set the options.
If you still need help, contact me.
In principle you can type make bin/whatever
to rename the binary.
By default, the output is bin/main
You must provide a RooWorkSpace
inside a .root
The workspace must contain:
- a
for signal background, - a defined observable and parameter of interest,
- a
containing the data, - (optional) a
for background, - (optional) a prior PDF with nuisance parameters.
An example with nuisance parameters would be:
RooWorkspace workspace("workspace");
workspace.import(poi) // Parameter of interest
workspace.import(fitmodel) // Signal background PDF
workspace.import(data) // Dataset imported on variable x
workspace.import(prior) // Prior PDF
ModelConfig sb_model("sb_model",workspace);
sb_model.SetNuisanceParameters(RooArgSet(nuisPar)); // Parameter set contained within prior PDF
The names of the objects are passed to the program at the command line.
The syntax is bin/main InputFile Workspace ModelSB Data [Options]
Command line option | Description |
--ModelB |
optional background model name |
--NuisPrior |
optional nuisance prior name |
--EnableDetOutput (default 0) |
enable detailed output with all fit information for each toys (output will be written in result file) |
--PlotHypoTestResult (default 1) |
plot test statistic result at each point |
--WriteResult (default 1) |
write HypoTestInverterResult in a file |
--PrintLevel (default 0) |
print level for debugging PL test statistics and calculators |
--ConfLevel (default 0.95) |
confidence level value |
--MassValue |
extra string to tag output file of result |
--ResultFileName |
file with results (by default is built automatically using the workspace input file name) |
--UseCLs (default 1) |
scan for CLs (otherwise for CLs b) |
--InitialFit (default -1) |
do a first fit to the model (-1 : default, 0 skip fit, 1 do always fit) |
--NPoints (default 6) |
number of points to scan , for autoscan set npoints = -1 |
--MaxPoi (default -1) |
max value used of POI (in case of auto scan) |
--NToysRatio (default 2) |
ratio Ntoys(S B)/Ntoys(B) |
--PoiMin (default 0) |
min/max value to scan in case of fixed scans |
--PoiMax (default 5) |
(if min > max, try to find automatically) |
--UseProof (default 1) |
use Proof Lite when using toys (for freq or hybrid) |
--ReuseAltToys (default 0) |
reuse same toys for alternate hypothesis (if set one gets more stable bands) |
--NToys (default 1000) |
number of toys per point |
--NWorkers (default 0) |
number of worker for ProofLite (default use all available cores) |
--RandomSeed (default -1) |
random seed (if = -1: use default value, if = 0 always random ) NOTE: Proof uses automatically a random seed |
--Rebuild (default 0) |
re-do extra toys for computing expected limits and rebuild test stat distributions (N.B this requires much more CPU (factor is equivalent to nToyToRebuild) |
--NToyToRebuild (default 100) |
number of toys used to rebuild |
--RebuildParamValues (default 0) |
= 0 do a profile of all the parameters on the B (alt snapshot) before performing a rebuild operation (default) = 1 use initial workspace parameters with B snapshot values = 2 use all initial workspace parameters with B Otherwise the rebuild will be performed using [text missing, I assume it works like 2] |
--GenerateBinned (default 0) |
generate binned data sets |
--NoSystematics (default 0) |
force all systematics to be off (i.e. set all nuisance parameters as constant to their nominal values) |
--Optimize (default 1) |
optimize evaluation of test statistic |
--UseNLLOffset (default 0) |
use NLL offset when fitting (this increase stability of fits) |
--UseVectorStore (default 1) |
convert data to use new roofit data store |
--CalculatorType (default 0) |
= 0 Freq calculator = 1 Hybrid calculator = 2 Asymptotic calculator = 3 Asymptotic calculator using nominal Asimov data sets (not using fitted parameter values but nominal ones) |
--NAsimovBins (default 0) |
number of bins in observables used for Asimov data sets (0 is the default and it is given by workspace, typically is 100) |
--TestStatType (default 2) |
= 0 LEP = 1 Tevatron = 2 Profile Likelihood = 3 Profile Likelihood one sided (i.e. = 0 if mu < mu_hat) = 4 Profile Likelihood signed ( pll = -pll if mu < mu_hat) = 5 Max Likelihood Estimate as test statistic = 6 Number of observed event as test statistic |
--UseNumberCounting (default 0) |
set to true when using number counting events |
--MinimizerType |
minimizer type (default is what is in ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions::DefaultMinimizerType() |
The folder ExtraRooFit/
is designed to accomodate additional custom RooFit classes.
It comes with RooStudentT
as an example.
In order to add one of your own, place the header (ending in .h
) in ExtraRooFit/include/
and the source (ending in .cpp
) in ExtraRooFit/src/
, then add a line in ExtraRooFit/include/LinkDef.h
#pragma link C class RooCustomPDF ;
where you substitute RooCustomPDF
for the appropriate class name.
The right file extensions are important, as they need to be picked up in the Makefile.