A mini e-commerce application built with Rails 4.2. Learned how to navaigate existing code-bases and implement new features with an unfamiliar language. Applied previous research tactics to become familiar with new paradigms, language and frameworks. Able to implement features without thorough explanation. simulating real world situations.
- Sold out Bage: a product has a badge that indicates that product out of stock
- Admin Categories: new ability for admin to create new categories
- Admin Authentication: admin should be authenticated in order to create and modify poducts and categories
- User Authentication: allow users to make a registration and login
- Run
bundle install
to install dependencies - Create
by copyingconfig/database.example.yml
- Create
by copyingconfig/secrets.example.yml
- Run
bin/rake db:reset
to create, load and seed db - Create .env file based on .env.example
- Sign up for a Stripe account
- Put Stripe (test) keys into appropriate .env vars
- Run
bin/rails s -b
to start the server
Use Credit Card # 4111 1111 1111 1111 for testing success scenarios.
More information in their docs: https://stripe.com/docs/testing#cards
- Rails 4.2 Rails Guide
- PostgreSQL 9.x
- Stripe
- RSpec
- Poltergeist/Capybara