is a fully functional wallet, which means it relies on an external API node connected to the TELOS blockchain network in order to function.
The list below contains TELOS API nodes run by members of the TELOS community that you can choose from.
Even though your keys never leave the Sqrl
applications, the API node you connect to can still reveal personally identifiable information about you. This information may include:
- Account Names
- IP Addresses
If you are concerned about revealing this information to any of these 3rd party API nodes, it is recommended you run your own API Node and connect to that.
- http://testnet.telosfoundation.io:8888 - operated by Telos Foundation
- https://api.eos.miami:17441 - operated by EOS Miami
- http://blindblocart.io:8888 - operated by BlindBlocArt
- http://telos.caleos.io:9888 - operated by CalEOS
- http://apitest1.kainosbp.com:8888 - operated by Kainos BP
- http://api.telosvancouver.io:8888 - operated by Telos Vancouver
- http://telos.eosbcn.com - operated by EOS BCN
- http://api.testnet.telos.eosindex.io - operated by EOS Index
- http://api.telosmadrid.io - operated by Telos Madrid
- http://telos.eossweden.eu - operated by EOS Sweden
- http://testnode.infinitybloc.io:2888 - operated by InfinityBloc
- http://testnode.blindblocart.io:2888 - operated by BlindBlocArt
- http://testnode.telosvoyager.io:4888 - operated by Telos Voyager
- http://api2.csx.io:443 - operated by CSX
- http://telos.ikuwara.com:8888 - operated by iKuwara
- https://testnet.telos.blockgenesys.com - operated by Block Genesys
We will update this list as the community finds more reliable 3rd party nodes for usage with this tool.