Fossil Classification of investment assets, used by the Israeli Clean Money Forum.
The ranking, first published for 2021Q2, will be released every quarter.
It has 2 main goals:
- Transparency - the Israeli public can find out for the first time what is done with their pension money.
- Making our pension and insurance funds 100% fossil free, as soon as possible
- Any Israeli can finally find out how deep is his money in fossil fuels, and see which alternative options are available. The public now knows who’s who, when it comes to fossil investments.
- Institutional investors care a lot about their public image. We are trying to expedite the transition to a fossil free pension market by creating a transparent and healthy competition. Low ranked institutions will act to quickly change their position, pushing the whole bunch closer to zero fossil exposure.
- Our fossil classification makes it crystal clear for everyone, citizens and institutions alike, what we mean when we say “fossil holdings” or “fossil exposure”. Each institution receives its own fossil exposure report, including specific holdings.
- An updated ranking is published every quarter, exposing trends and enabling ongoing monitoring of pledges and their timely fulfillment.
- Quarterly reports of institutional investors
- Fossil companies lists:
- Israeli traded companies - maintained by the Clean Money Forum.
- Internationally traded companies - maintained by As You Sow, based on data from MorningStar.