Siphon is a collection of Python utilities for downloading data from Unidata data technologies. See our support page for ways to get help with Siphon.
Siphon follows semantic versioning in its version number. With our current 0.x version, that implies that Siphon's APIs (application programming interfaces) are still evolving (we won't break things just for fun, but many things are still changing as we work through design issues). Also, for a version 0.x.y, we change x when we release new features, and y when we make a release with only bug fixes.
We support Python >= 3.7.
- Source code repository:
- HTML Documentation:
- Unidata Python Gallery:
- Issue tracker:
- "python-siphon" tagged questions on Stack Overflow:
- Gitter chat room:
- requests>=1.2
- numpy>=1.8
- protobuf>=3.0.0a3
- beautifulsoup4>=4.6
- pandas
- pytest
- vcrpy
- flake8