VJ Spider is the spider module on NBUT Virtual Judge. Also, you can use it in your own projects.
The VJ Spider is based on libcurl. I wrote it via C and exported the C version.
The VJ Spider is wrote on Visual Studio 2010. So you have to open it on Visual Studio 2010, or add the whole files to your own project.
Then you need the 'libcurl.dll' and 'libcurld.dll'.
VJ Spider supports for POST and GET.
The header file 'vjspider.h' is needed.
At first, you should initialize the enviroment by calling the function:
Then the Spider pointer should be created:
VJSpider* spider = new VJSpider();
After you created the spider object, you should initialize it:
To post the data to a website, you need a post_data
object to store the data.
post_data data;
Next you should make some 'data pairs (key and value)' and push them into the post_data
post_data_item item("key", "value");
After you did all of the steps above, you can post the data to a website via the spider and get the result:
string html = spider->post("http://yourwebsite", data);
To execute the GET operation, the steps are almost the same as the POST operation.
you can reference to the code below:
get_data data;
data.push_back(get_data_item("key1", "value1"));
data.push_back(get_data_item("key2", "value2"));
string html = spider->get("http://yourwebsite", data);
You can use the cookie when connect to one website.
When you initialize a spider object, there are some parameters:
bool init_context(bool auto_del_cookie = true, string cookie_file = "$", bool use_cookie = true);
It's in the TODO list.
The filename of cookie file. If it's "$", the spider will generate a random filename.
If it's true, the spider will use the cookie during its lifetime.
You can reference the functions below:
string get(string url, get_data data, unsigend int code = VJCD_UTF8, VJ_USE_COOKIE_TYPE cookie = VJUCT_USE_COOKIE);
string post(string url, post_data data, unsigned int code = VJCD_UTF8, VJ_USE_COOKIE_TYPE cookie = VJUCT_USE_COOKIE);
The url of website.
The data (POST or GET) you would like to upload to the website.
Page code. You can choose one of those values below:
- VJCD_GB2312 : GB2312 (ACP)
The cookie mode. You can choose one of those values below:
- VJUCT_NO_COOKIE : No cookie used
- VJUCT_USE_COOKIE : Use cookie that saved before but do not save it this time.
- VJUCT_SAVE_COOKIE : Save the cookie this time.
Want to contribute? Great! You can get touch with XadillaX.
Author: XadillaX
Contributors: Waiting for you...