A CLI app to build & manage teams of employees. The application prompts the user for information about the various employees, their roles and departments; querying a MySQL database & ultimately inserting or updating the relevant item. This app runs in a Node environment and leverages the Inquirer & MySQL packages.
- Clone from the Repo, install modules & run app:
git clone https://github.com/Spazcool/employee-tracker.git
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Create .env file at root directory, change values as needed (for use with MySQL database):
- Create MySQL Database:
- Install:
- Run MySQL, from System Prefrences.
- Open MySQL Workbench
- Copy/paste seed file from this repo
- Run seed
- Run application:
node app.js
- Node.js
- Node
- Inquirer
- DotEnv
- Console-Table-Printer
- View Teams (i.e. employees by manager)
- Auto-fill previous values when updating an item
- Confirmation on Update/Delete
- Delete departments, roles, and employees (i.e. without having to delete associated tables first)
- View the total utilized budget of a department (i.e. the combined salaries of all employees in that department)
- Return to Previous Menu option on all sub-menus
- Manager as a reserved keyword
- Additional input validation
- View Row with relations (e.g. Employee Role Manager Department)
- Exit Application
- Douglas Wright - Spazcool
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.