Docs by Archifiltre allows you to visualize and improve your file trees. Learn more about it here.
First install the dependencies
Then copy the dist env file
cp .env.dist .env
(Optional) Instal react devtools
yarn devtools
You should use auto reloading when developing, using
yarn dev
and then, reload your electron app with the refresh command (CMD R
on MacOS)
You can make the app automatically load a specific folder by doing:
AUTOLOAD="/absolute/or/relative/path/to/folder" yarn dev
You can automatically reload the previous session using :
AUTORELOAD=true yarn dev
(this envs can also be set in env file)
To contribute, see more here
To know more about the project architecture, go here
Docs provides you with an export script that you can run directly on your file server. To know more about it, go here