TestObserver class for LiveData to test multiple values like ViewState such as loading, and result states or multiple post and setValues
class TestObserver<T>(private val liveData: LiveData<T>) : Observer<T> {
// init {
// liveData.observeForever(this)
// }
private val testValues = mutableListOf<T>()
override fun onChanged(t: T) {
if (t != null) testValues.add(t)
println("⏰ TestObserver onChanged() testValues $testValues")
fun assertNoValues(): TestObserver<T> {
if (testValues.isNotEmpty()) throw AssertionException("Assertion error with actual size ${testValues.size}")
return this
fun assertValueCount(count: Int): TestObserver<T> {
if (count < 0) throw AssertionException("Assert count cannot be smaller than zero")
if (count != testValues.size) throw AssertionException("Assertion error with expected $count while actual ${testValues.size}")
return this
fun assertValues(vararg predicates: T): TestObserver<T> {
predicates.forEach { predicate ->
testValues.forEach { testValue ->
if (predicate != testValue) throw Exception("Assertion error")
return this
fun assertValues(predicate: List<T>.() -> Boolean): TestObserver<T> {
return this
fun values(predicate: List<T>.() -> Unit): TestObserver<T> {
return this
fun values(): List<T> {
return testValues
fun dispose() {
fun <T> LiveData<T>.test(): TestObserver<T> {
val testObserver = TestObserver(this)
return testObserver
class AssertionException(message: String) : Exception(message) {
fun test() {
val myTestData = MutableLiveData<Int>()
val testObserver = myTestData.test()
myTestData.value = 1
myTestData.value = 2
myTestData.value = 3
testObserver.assertValues {
(this[0] == 1 && this[1] == 2 && this[2] == 3)
// 🔥 Do not forget to dispose
class FlowTestObserver<T>(
private val coroutineScope: CoroutineScope,
private val flow: Flow<T>,
private val waitForDelay: Boolean = false
) {
private val testValues = mutableListOf<T>()
private var error: Throwable? = null
private var isInitialized = false
private var isCompleted = false
private lateinit var job: Job
private suspend fun init() {
job = createJob(coroutineScope)
// Wait this job after end of possible delays
// job.join()
private suspend fun initialize() {
if (!isInitialized) {
if (waitForDelay) {
try {
withTimeout(Long.MAX_VALUE) {
job = createJob(this)
} catch (e: Exception) {
isCompleted = false
} else {
job = createJob(coroutineScope)
private fun createJob(scope: CoroutineScope): Job {
val job = flow
.onStart { isInitialized = true }
.onCompletion { cause ->
isCompleted = (cause == null)
.catch { throwable ->
error = throwable
.onEach { testValues.add(it) }
return job
suspend fun assertNoValue(): FlowTestObserver<T> {
if (testValues.isNotEmpty()) throw AssertionError(
"Assertion error! Actual size ${testValues.size}"
return this
suspend fun assertValueCount(count: Int): FlowTestObserver<T> {
if (count < 0) throw AssertionError(
"Assertion error! Value count cannot be smaller than zero"
if (count != testValues.size) throw AssertionError(
"Assertion error! Expected $count while actual ${testValues.size}"
return this
suspend fun assertValues(vararg values: T): FlowTestObserver<T> {
if (!testValues.containsAll(values.asList()))
throw AssertionError("Assertion error! At least one value does not match")
return this
suspend fun assertValues(predicate: (List<T>) -> Boolean): FlowTestObserver<T> {
if (!predicate(testValues))
throw AssertionError("Assertion error! At least one value does not match")
return this
* Asserts that this [FlowTestObserver] received exactly one [Flow.onEach] or [Flow.collect]
* value for which the provided predicate returns `true`.
suspend fun assertValue(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): FlowTestObserver<T> {
return assertValueAt(0, predicate)
suspend fun assertValueAt(index: Int, predicate: (T) -> Boolean): FlowTestObserver<T> {
if (testValues.size == 0) throw AssertionError("Assertion error! No values")
if (index < 0) throw AssertionError(
"Assertion error! Index cannot be smaller than zero"
if (index > testValues.size) throw AssertionError(
"Assertion error! Invalid index: $index"
if (!predicate(testValues[index]))
throw AssertionError("Assertion error! At least one value does not match")
return this
suspend fun assertValueAt(index: Int, value: T): FlowTestObserver<T> {
if (testValues.size == 0) throw AssertionError("Assertion error! No values")
if (index < 0) throw AssertionError(
"Assertion error! Index cannot be smaller than zero"
if (index > testValues.size) throw AssertionError(
"Assertion error! Invalid index: $index"
if (testValues[index] != value)
throw AssertionError("Assertion Error Objects don't match")
return this
* Asserts that this [FlowTestObserver] received
* [Flow.catch] the exact same throwable. Since most exceptions don't implement `equals`
* it would be better to call overload to test against the class of
* an error instead of an instance of an error
suspend fun assertError(throwable: Throwable): FlowTestObserver<T> {
val errorNotNull = exceptionNotNull()
if (!(
errorNotNull::class.java == throwable::class.java &&
errorNotNull.message == throwable.message
throw AssertionError(
"Assertion Error! "
"throwable: $throwable does not match $errorNotNull"
return this
* Asserts that this [FlowTestObserver] received
* [Flow.catch] which is an instance of the specified errorClass Class.
suspend fun assertError(errorClass: Class<out Throwable>): FlowTestObserver<T> {
val errorNotNull = exceptionNotNull()
if (errorNotNull::class.java != errorClass)
throw AssertionError(
"Assertion Error! errorClass $errorClass"
" does not match ${errorNotNull::class.java}"
return this
* Asserts that this [FlowTestObserver] received exactly [Flow.catch] event for which
* the provided predicate returns `true`.
suspend fun assertError(predicate: (Throwable) -> Boolean): FlowTestObserver<T> {
val errorNotNull = exceptionNotNull()
if (!predicate(errorNotNull))
throw AssertionError("Assertion Error! Exception for $errorNotNull")
return this
suspend fun assertNoErrors(): FlowTestObserver<T> {
if (error != null)
throw AssertionError("Assertion Error! Exception occurred $error")
return this
suspend fun assertNull(): FlowTestObserver<T> {
testValues.forEach {
if (it != null) throw AssertionError(
"Assertion Error! "
"There are more than one item that is not null"
return this
* Assert that this [FlowTestObserver] received [Flow.onCompletion] event without a [Throwable]
suspend fun assertComplete(): FlowTestObserver<T> {
if (!isCompleted) throw AssertionError(
"Assertion Error!"
" Job is not completed or onCompletion called with a error!"
return this
* Assert that this [FlowTestObserver] either not received [Flow.onCompletion] event or
* received event with
suspend fun assertNotComplete(): FlowTestObserver<T> {
if (isCompleted) throw AssertionError("Assertion Error! Job is completed!")
return this
suspend fun values(predicate: (List<T>) -> Unit): FlowTestObserver<T> {
return this
suspend fun values(): List<T> {
return testValues
private fun exceptionNotNull(): Throwable {
if (error == null)
throw AssertionError("There is no exception")
return error!!
fun dispose() {
* Creates a RxJava2 style test observer that uses `onStart`, `onEach`, `onCompletion`
* * Set waitForDelay true for testing delay.
* ### Note: waiting for delay with a channel that sends values throw TimeoutCancellationException,
* don't use timeout with channel
* TODO Fix channel issue
suspend fun <T> Flow<T>.test(
scope: CoroutineScope,
waitForDelay: Boolean = true
): FlowTestObserver<T> {
return FlowTestObserver(scope, this@test, waitForDelay)
* Test function that awaits with time out until each delay method is run and then since
* it takes a predicate that runs after a timeout.
suspend fun <T> Flow<T>.testAfterDelay(
scope: CoroutineScope,
predicate: suspend FlowTestObserver<T>.() -> Unit
): Job {
return scope.launch(coroutineContext) {
FlowTestObserver(this, this@testAfterDelay, true).predicate()
// .assertError(Exception("Network Exception"))
.assertError {
it.message == "Network Exception"
testCoroutineScope.runBlockingTest {
every { postDBRepository.getPostListFlow() } returns flow { emit(listOf()) }
val testObserver = postDBRepository.getPostListFlow().test(this)
val actual = testObserver.values()[0]