This code is a Fortran version of Dendritic solidification. It is one of the earliest phase-field models for the dendritic solidification.
Note: This code is the Fortran version of the code published by S. Bulent Biner in the book Programming Phase-field Modeling as fd_den_v1.m, section 4.7 Case Study-IV. Our code however uses Dislin library for the interactive display.
This document is separated into sections and written in a self-contained way.
- Mathematical model
- Numerical method
- Fortran implementation
- Finite difference codes
The first part describes the phase-field model. Next part presents the numerical simulation method i.e. finite difference. The third section demonstrates: How to implement the code, and what are the expected outputs? The following section explains the codes.
The model has two variables: Phi field
The free energy is of Ginzburg-Landau type
The first term is gradient energy and the second one is bulk free energy. The second term satisfy the condition of local free energy minimum at
The interfacial anisotropy is directional dependent. It is
The angle is given by
The parameter
The Allen-Cahn equation for evolution is
After functional derivative
The evolution of temperature field
Because the model is a partial differential equation (PDE), numerous numerical approaches for solving the equations are available. For the sake of simplicity, we use finite difference method here.
Finite difference algorithms are a straightforward method for solving phase field equations. They convert the derivative to the difference equation at each grid point.
FD techniques include backward difference, forward difference, centered difference, and centered second difference. We utilize five point stencils for our Laplace operator evaluation, which is given by
Graphically it is
The periodic boundary conditions are
Using explicit Euler time marching scheme, the evolution equation becomes
after rearrangement
To run Fortran code you may have a compiler installed. For this simulation we use gfortran and intel compilers.
gfortran compiler
The following takes you to the installation of gfortran compiler.
intel compiler
Two Fortran codes are there. The first one fd_dendrite_dislin.f90 is using dislin library and second one fd_dendrite.f90 without dislin.
It is assumed that you have dislin graphical library installed. Use double precision module for the code.
- use the script given by Dislin. It is
f90link -a -r8 fd_dendrite_dislin
The command will compile and run the double precision (-r8) dislin module code.
- Alternatively
For Linux OS — with gfortran — to compile, enter
gfortran fd_dendrite_dislin.f90 -o fd_dendrite_dislin -L/usr/local/dislin/ -I/usr/local/dislin/gf/real64 -ldislin_d
and to run, enter
and for windows — with gfortran and with intel — to compile, enter
gfortran fd_dendrite_dislin.f90 -o fd_dendrite_dislin -Ic:\dislin\gf\real64 c:\dislin\dismg_d.a -luser32 -lgdi32 -lopengl32
ifort fd_dendrite_dislin.f90 -Ic:\dislin_intel\ifc\real64 c:\dislin_intel\disifl_d.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib opengl32.lib
and to run, enter
fd_dendrite_dislin is the name of file with .f90 extension. fd stands for finite difference and dendrite for dendritic solidification. dislin refers to the use of dislin for this code.
- If the code runs successfully, it will produce following output. The first part prints the done steps and the computed time. The second part shows dislin plotting library information.
The compute time may vary
- The expected dislin plot of evolution is given below. Note: the figure is shown on the console and is not saved.
If dislin is not installed use this code file.
For Linux OS — with gfortran — to compile, enter
gfortran fd_dendrite.f90 -o fd_dendrite
and to run, enter
and for windows — with gfortran and with intel — to compile, enter
gfortran fd_dendrite.f90 -o fd_dendrite
ifort fd_dendrite.f90
and to run, enter
In both codes, the ouput files phi.dat, and temperature.dat are created.
You may use any graphical software to get the plot. For gnuplot use the following commands.
cd 'D:\Fortran'
set term qt 0 size 600,600
set multiplot layout 1,2 margins 0.1,0.9,0.1,0.9 spacing 0.15
set size ratio 1
set xrange [*:*] noextend
set yrange [*:*] noextend
set view map
set pm3d map interpolate 10,10
set palette rgbformulae 33,13,10
set cbrange[0:1]
unset key
unset xtics
unset ytics
unset border
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
set title 'Phi' font ',14'
set label 1 '(a)' at 5,275 front font ' , 14' tc 'black' boxed
set style textbox opaque fc "white" noborder
splot 'phi.dat' matrix with pm3d
unset label 1
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
set title 'Temperature' font ',14'
set label 2 '(b)' at 5,275 front font ' , 14' tc 'black' boxed
set style textbox opaque fc "white" noborder
splot 'temperature.dat' matrix with pm3d
unset label 2
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
unset multiplot
Note: The first line is the path where the file is located. In our case it is placed in D
drive. The rest of the commands remain the same!
The output is
Here we briefly describe the codes. All parameters are non-dimensional.
The difference between two files is of these two sections
- use Dislin statement
- dislin multiplot section
The Fortran program starts with the program fd_Kobayashi_model_test and ends with end program fd_Kobayashi_model_test. The second statement use Dislin includes the Dislin library. implicit none avoids any default behaviour of the compiler for data declaration.
program fd_Kobayashi_model_test
use Dislin
implicit none
The simulation cell size is 300 dx
and dy
is 0.03.
!--- simulation cell parameters
integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: Nx = 300
integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: Ny = 300
real ( kind = 8 ) :: dx = 0.03
real ( kind = 8 ) :: dy = 0.03
This section declares the number of steps for computation and the output frequency of results. It defines the time increment with variable dtime
. The variables start
and finish
are declared to calculate the time of the code execution.
!--- time integeration parameters
integer (kind = 4 ) :: nsteps = 2000
integer (kind = 4 ) :: nprint = 100
integer (kind = 4 ) :: tsteps
real ( kind = 8 ) :: dtime = 1.0e-4
real ( kind = 8 ) :: start, finish
This part is related to the microstructure parameters. Anisotropy aniso = 6
will produce hexagonal lattice. To make square geometry change it to 4
. The initial radius is inserted with diameter seed = 5.0
, pix
calculates the value of
!--- material specific parameters
real ( kind = 8 ) :: tau = 0.0003
real ( kind = 8 ) :: epsilonb = 0.01
real ( kind = 8 ) :: kappa = 1.8
real ( kind = 8 ) :: delta = 0.02
real ( kind = 8 ) :: aniso = 6.0
real ( kind = 8 ) :: alpha = 0.9
real ( kind = 8 ) :: gama = 10.0
real ( kind = 8 ) :: teq = 1.0
real ( kind = 8 ) :: theta0= 0.2
real ( kind = 8 ) :: seed = 5.0
real ( kind = 8 ) :: pix = 4.0*atan(1.0)
We define the microstructure parameters in this declaration. All these parameters are explained above in the mathematical model section
!--- initial nuclei and evolution parameters
real ( kind = 8 ) , dimension( Nx, Ny ) :: phi, tempr
real ( kind = 8 ) , dimension( Nx, Ny ) :: lap_phi, lap_tempr
real ( kind = 8 ) , dimension( Nx, Ny ) :: phidx, phidy
real ( kind = 8 ) , dimension( Nx, Ny ) :: epsil, epsilon_deriv
real ( kind = 8 ) :: phi_old, term1, term2
real ( kind = 8 ) :: theta, m
integer ( kind = 4 ) :: i, j, ip, im, jp, jm
This statement (intrinsic subroutine call) is used for the initial time of the program. The input argument start
is the starting time of the code execution.
call cpu_time ( start )
The section implements the initial microstructure. The initial temperature
and phi fields
are 0
and the initial nuclei is inserted with 5.0
radius. This satisfies the condition for solid particle having
!--- initialize and introduce initial nuclei
phi = 0.0
tempr = 0.0
do i = 1, Nx
do j = 1, Ny
if ( (i - Nx/2.0)*(i - Nx/2.0) (j - Ny/2.0)*(j - Ny/2.0)&
& < seed ) then
phi(i,j) = 1.0
end if
end do
end do
The temporal and spatial discretization starts here. Note the use of construct name for the do loop — time_loop
!--- start microstructure evolution
time_loop: do tsteps = 1, nsteps
do i = 1, Nx
do j = 1, Ny
This calculates
the angle,
and its derivate
Notice the use of if
statement instead of if then
construct. It reduces the code size.
jp = j 1
jm = j - 1
ip = i 1
im = i - 1
if ( im == 0 ) im = Nx
if ( ip == ( Nx 1) ) ip = 1
if ( jm == 0 ) jm = Ny
if ( jp == ( Ny 1) ) jp = 1
!--- laplacian
lap_phi(i,j) = ( phi(ip,j) phi(im,j) phi(i,jm) phi(i,jp)&
& - 4.0*phi(i,j)) / ( dx*dy )
lap_tempr(i,j) = ( tempr(ip,j) tempr(im,j) tempr(i,jm) &
& tempr(i,jp) - 4.0*tempr(i,j)) / ( dx*dy )
!--- gradients
phidx(i,j) = ( phi(ip,j) - phi(im,j) ) / dx
phidy(i,j) = ( phi(i,jp) - phi(i,jm) ) / dy
!--- angle
theta = atan2( phidy(i,j),phidx(i,j) )
!--- epsilon and its derivative
epsil(i,j) = epsilonb*( 1.0 delta*cos(aniso*&
& ( theta - theta0 ) ) )
epsilon_deriv(i,j) = -epsilonb*aniso*delta*sin&
& ( aniso*( theta - theta0 ) )
end do
end do
term1, term2 and m are evaluated here.
do i = 1, Nx
do j = 1, Ny
jp = j 1
jm = j - 1
ip = i 1
im = i - 1
if ( im == 0 ) im = Nx
if ( ip == ( Nx 1) ) ip = 1
if ( jm == 0 ) jm = Ny
if ( jp == ( Ny 1) ) jp = 1
phi_old = phi(i,j)
!--- term1 and term2
term1 = ( epsil(i,jp)*epsilon_deriv(i,jp)*phidx(i,jp)&
& - epsil(i,jm)*epsilon_deriv(i,jm)*phidx(i,jm) ) / dy
term2 = -( epsil(ip,j)*epsilon_deriv(ip,j)*phidy(ip,j)&
& - epsil(im,j)*epsilon_deriv(im,j)*phidy(im,j) ) / dx
!--- factor m
m = alpha/pix*atan( gama*( teq - tempr(i,j) ) )
Explicit Euler finite difference is implemented here
!--- time integration
phi(i,j) = phi(i,j) ( dtime/tau )*( term1 term2 &
& epsil(i,j)**2*lap_phi(i,j) ) &
& phi_old*( 1.0 - phi_old )*( phi_old -0.5 m )
tempr(i,j) = tempr(i,j) dtime*lap_tempr(i,j) &
& kappa*( phi(i,j) - phi_old )
end do
end do
This section of the code prints the done steps
on the screen.
!--- print steps
if ( mod( tsteps, nprint ) .eq. 0 ) print *, 'Done steps = ', tsteps
The microstructure evolution finishes here
!--- end microstructure evolution
end do time_loop
It takes the final time used for calculation. The statements will open the .dat
format files — phi.dat
, and temperature.dat
. The output value of phi and temperature fields at the final time step are written separately in these files.
call cpu_time ( finish )
!--- write phi and temperature on the files and closes it
open ( 1, file = "phi.dat" )
open ( 2, file = 'temperature.dat')
do i = 1, Nx
write( 1, * ) ( phi(i,j), j = 1, Ny )
write( 2, * ) ( tempr(i,j), j = 1, Ny )
end do
close( 1 )
close( 2 )
This part prints the computed time on the screen
!--- prints computed time on the screen
print '(" Time = ", f10.3," seconds." )', finish - start
This plots the dislin color plot for both order parameters, and the last statement terminates the program. Note it is only in the file fd_dislin_dislin.f90
call metafl ( 'cons' )
displays the output on the console. call scrmod ( 'REVERS' )
will make the background white, the default is black. The dislin is initiated with the routine call disini ( )
. call complx ( )
sets the complex font. call axspos ( 350, 1700 )
defines the axis position, call ax3len ( 600, 600, 600 )
define the axis position and the axis length of the colored axis system. The routine call graf3 ( )
plots the 3D axis system with Z axis as a color bar. call crvmat ( )
plots color surface of the matrix. call endgrf ( )
terminates the axis system. The dislin routine is finished with the routine call disfin ( )
!--- dislin multiplot
call metafl ( 'cons' )
call scrmod ( 'revers' )
call disini ( )
call complx ( )
call axspos ( 400, 1500 )
call ax3len ( 600, 600, 600 )
call graf3 ( 0.d0, 300.d0, 0.d0, 100.d0, 0.d0, 300.d0,&
& 0.d0, 100.d0, 0.0d0, 1.2d0, 0.0d0, 0.2d0 )
call crvmat ( phi, Nx, Ny, 1, 1 )
call endgrf
call axspos ( 1700, 1500 )
call ax3len ( 600, 600, 600 )
call graf3 ( 0.d0, 300.d0, 0.d0, 100.d0, 0.d0, 300.d0,&
& 0.d0, 100.d0, 0.0d0, 1.2d0, 0.0d0, 0.2d0 )
call crvmat ( tempr, Nx, Ny, 1, 1 )
call endgrf
call disfin ( )
end program fd_Kobayashi_model_test