I"m (Seyed Ali Ahmadi) PhD in Remote Sensing from K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (:iran:).
💻 I successfully defended my PhD thesis about using artificial intelligence and very high resolution satellite images for assessing the damage of buildings after natural disasters. Moreover, I"m working on some side projects such as, Earth Observation Satellites Calibration, and Urban Subsidence Monitoring with InSAR.
📚 🌱 I’m currently learning to optimize deep learning algorithms for remote sensing applications such as super resolution, classification, semantic segmentation, object detection and satellite image debluring.
📫 How to reach me: You can always contact me through my email 📧 📮 [email protected]
💙 My interests are remote sensing 🌎, machine learning 🎲, and data science 📈 📊
🥅 Goals: Commercialize some interesting remote sensing applications
⚡ Fun fact: I love astronomy 🔭, playing violin 🎻, hiking 🌄, and cycling 🚴
- 😄 More information about me at my LinkedIn account https://www.linkedin.com/in/saliahmadi93/