This project will compile verilog (a hardware description language) into factorio blueprints.
Using this it should also be possible to compile vhdl. (not tested)
You can check out the web demo here.
Manually compile Yosys 0.34 (later releases might not work) and add it to your PATH.
Run npm install
to install all dependencies.
Usage: v2f [options] <files..>
-v, --verbose
-d --debug Generate debug information. (A graph of the output circuit.)
-o, --output <file> File to output the compiled blueprint to.
-m, --modules <names...> Verilog modules to output blueprint for. (defaults to all).
-f, --files <files...> List of Verilog files to compile. (only has to be explicitly specified after -m).
-g, --generator [type] Layout generator to use. annealing(default),matrix,chunkAnnealing
-h, --help Display this information.
Run ./v2f
with verilog files as parameters. Example: ./v2f ./samples/counter.v
The compiled blueprint will be output on the command line unless otherwise specified with -f
The circuit will have inputs and outputs at the top in the order in which they were written in the code. Clock pulses are required to be exactly one tick high. (since adding edge detectors would produce a lot of overhead)
module counter(input clk, input rst, input inc, output reg [3:0] cnt);
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (rst)
cnt <= 0;
else if (inc)
cnt <= cnt 1'b1;
At the top in order clk, rst, inc and cnt.