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River Keybindings

General Shortcuts

Keybinding Action
Super R Spawn ~/.config/river/init
Super Return Launch terminal (Foot)
Super Shift F Launch Firefox
Super Space Launch Fuzzel application launcher
Super W Close focused window
Super Shift E Exit River

Focus and View Management

Keybinding Action
Super J Focus next view
Super K Focus previous view
Super Shift J Swap focused view with the next
Super Shift K Swap focused view with the previous
Super Period (.) Focus the next output
Super Comma (,) Focus the previous output
Super Shift Period (.) Send focused view to the next output
Super Shift Comma (,) Send focused view to the previous output
Super Shift Return Zoom focused view

Layout Management

Keybinding Action
Super H Decrease main window ratio by 0.05
Super L Increase main window ratio by 0.05
Super Shift H Increase main window count by 1
Super Shift L Decrease main window count by 1
Super Up Set main window location to top
Super Right Set main window location to right
Super Down Set main window location to bottom
Super Left Set main window location to left

Floating and Movement

Keybinding Action
Super Shift Space Toggle floating mode for the window
Super F Toggle fullscreen for the window
Super Alt H/J/K/L Move the view in specified direction
Super Alt Shift H/J/K/L Resize the view in the specified direction
Super Alt Control H/J/K/L Snap the view to the specified edge

Tags and Workspace Management

Keybinding Action
Super $i Assign tag $i to the focused view
Super Shift $i Set focused view's tag to $i
Super Control $i Toggle focused view's tag $i
Super Shift Control $i Toggle view's tag $i
Super 0 Set focused tags to all tags
Super Shift 0 Set view tags to all tags


Keybinding Action
Super PRINT Take a screenshot and save to ~/screenshots/
Super Shift PRINT Take a screenshot of selected region with slurp

Media Controls

Keybinding Action
XF86AudioRaiseVolume Increase volume by 5%
XF86AudioLowerVolume Decrease volume by 5%
XF86AudioMute Toggle mute
XF86AudioPlay Play/Pause media
XF86AudioPrev Play previous media
XF86AudioNext Play next media
XF86MonBrightnessUp Increase brightness by 10%
XF86MonBrightnessDown Decrease brightness by 10%

Custom Scripts

The following scripts are used to handle tags and other custom actions:

  • Tagging: Scripts located at ~/.config/river/scripts/tag to switch between workspaces/tags.