- 🎓 M.Sc. Degree in "Telecommunications Engineering" at University of Naples "Federico II"
- 🎓 M.Sc. Degree in "Advanced Communication and Navigation Satellite Systems" at University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
- 🎓 Ph.D. in "Electronic Engineering" at University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
- 📡🛰️ Spacecraft Operations Engineer
- 🖥️ Senior Security Engineer
- 🔨 Senior Research & Development Engineer
- OpenLTE-CSI and LTE-Cell-Scanner-CSI: Localization, crowdcounting and activity recognition based on LTE Channel State Information (CSI)
- Bullet Bet Predictions (Android/iOS): A mobile app that provides football predictions based on machine learning.
- RedHerd Framework: A collaborative and serverless framework for orchestrating a geographically distributed group of assets.
- RustHunter: A modular incident response framework to build and compare environmental baselines.
- Blackhat Europe 2021 Arsenal - RedHerd Framework [10/11/2021]
- CYSAT '22 - Keynote "Cyber range for space a way to optimize the cybersecurity process" [07/04/2022]