For more information, visit
Kubernetes cluster 1.20 or later with at least 4 cores and 16 GB memory
Helm 3 is setup on the client system with 3.10.3 or later
Ensure that this URLs(ISD,KeyCloak,Vela) is reachable from your browser. Either DNS name server record must exist or "hosts" file must be updated.The following 3 URLs need to be exist in DNS and point to Loadbalancer IP of the nginx ingress controller.
Vela Service requires the “Wild-card ingress” and “Wild-card TLS certificates to be provided to the ingress”
Please use below blog to create a Wild-card TLS certificates to provide for the Ingress, if you are using the cert-manager.
Else please contact your certificate provider for the certificates for your URL equivalent for
An additional host URL may be required depending on your requirements. See below for instructions
- controller host url and/or
- ArgoCD host url
Use below command to check if helm is installed or not
helm version
If helm is not setup, follow to install helm.
Add opsmx helm repo to your local machine
helm repo add isdargo
Note: If opsmx helm repo is already added, do a repo update before installing the chart
helm repo update
Your Kubernetes cluster should support persistent volumes
It is assumed that an nginx ingress controller is installed on the cluster, by default ingress resources are created for oes-ui, keycloak, vela and argocd services. Customize the hosts for various installations using the options in the values.yaml under oesUI, keycloak, vela, argo-cd. If any other ingress controller is installed, set createIngress flag to false and configure your ingress.
Instructions to install nginx ingress
Instructions to install cert-manager
Helm v3 expects the namespace to be present before helm install command is run. If it does not exists,
kubectl create namespace opsmx-argo
There are different flavours of Installations
Values yamls Description isd-minimal-values.yaml This file is used for Installing only ISD without Argo CD and Argo Rollouts isd-argo-minimal-values.yaml This file is used for Installing ISD,Argo CD and Argo Rollouts isd-rollouts-values.yaml This file is used for Installing ISD and Argo Rollouts without Argo CD onlyargorollouts-values.yaml This file is used for Installing only Argo Rollouts without Argo CD and ISD argocd-rollouts-values.yaml This file is used for Installing Argo CD and Argo Rollouts without ISD
NOTE: In all the values.yaml please read inline comments and update it accordingly.
Update forwarder.externalName URL in isd-minimal-values.yaml. The actual DNS needs to be created/updated after installation
Use below command to install ISD using the helm chart:
helm install isd isdargo/isdargo -f isd-minimal-values.yaml -n opsmx-argo --timeout 15m
Please create/update the DNS based on the loadbalancer created using instructions here:
Create vela-ingress tls secret using the wild-card certificate and key e.g. kubectl create secret tls vela-ingress -n opsmx-argo --cert cert1.pem --key privkey1.pem
OPTIONAL: Update forwarder.externalName URL in isd-argo-minimal-values.yaml. The actual DNS needs to be created after installation
Apart of above 3 urls update the Argo CD Url in the DNS name server record must exist or "hosts" file must be updated.
Use below command to install ISD-ARGO using the helm chart:
helm install isdargo isdargo/isdargo -f isd-argo-minimal-values.yaml -n opsmx-argo --timeout 15m
OPTIONAL: Please create/update the DNS based on the loadbalancer created using instructions here:
Create vela-ingress tls secret using the wild-card certificate and key e.g. kubectl create secret tls vela-ingress -n opsmx-argo --cert cert1.pem --key privkey1.pem
NOTE: The OPTIONAL steps above can be done after the installation at a later point, if required by following all the steps in the document.
Tip: List all releases using
helm list
- Everything installed but I don"t see any applications.
- If "full" installed is used (i.e. isd-argo-minimal-values.yaml), it automatically installs sample applications, including a working rollouts sample.
- If connecting to an existing argo or adding a new argo, please ensure that the user-token generated has admin RBAC permissions.
- Clicking on an application in Home-screen takes me to a blank page or a page with an error
- Vela service needs wild-card DNS and wild-card TLS certificates for this work due to restrictions in ArgoCD.
- We can test it by opening another tab in the browser and putting going to "isd.VELA.REPLACE.THIS.WITH.YOURCOMPANY.COM", it should load and say "Failed to load".
To uninstall/delete the deployment
helm uninstall isd -n opsmx-argo
helm uninstall isdargo -n opsmx-argo