Import, manage, get and store/cache icons into Pharo from standard icon libraries.
This project provides support of icon libraries (Material Design icons, Ant Design icons, Awesome Font icons, etc.). These libraries provide multiple icons themes
and styles
, with a lot of icons (more than thousands) and with multiple sizes and colorization for each one. This project has the objective of easily offering management of icons and provides a simple way to use them. The other objective is to provide a cache mechanism to get and cash only required Icons and not load every one of them every time.
Currently supported libraries :
- Material Design Icons 4.0.0 -
- Ant Design Icons -
This project embeds a SmockIconsLibrary
used by us to store our project icons, if you have your own icons you can implement your own library class.
This project can be used to easily generate some icon sets for your project (see export/serialize section).
This project wraps ThemeIcons
to provide common icon libraries. Each asked icon is on-the-fly downloaded from library files and cached into the system to have instant access.
To install Iconography on your Pharo image you can just execute the following script:
Metacello new
baseline: 'OpenSmockIconography';
repository: 'github://OpenSmock/Iconography:main';
Each library provides sets of icons in different styles, sizes, formats and customization capacities. Default returned style depends of the target library, see documentation about each library below. The name of each icon depends of the target library, see each link below to explore the library catalogue.
To get an icon with the default style (from Object method) :
"Material Design icon"
form := self materialIconNamed: #check_circle.
"Ant Design icon"
form := self antIconNamed: #checkCircle.
To get an icon with a specific style :
"Material Design icon"
form := self materialSharpIconNamed: #check_circle.
"Ant Design icon"
form := self antOutlinedIconNamed: #checkCircle.
To serialize icons into your project classes :
iconDescription := AntDesignIconsLibrary new name: #checkCircle.
iconDescription serializeAsForm: MyProjectClass maxWidth: 32 maxHeight: 32.
The icon is stored in MyProjectClass
as a class method, the name of the generated method is returned by SmockAbstractIconsLibrary>>serializeAsForm:maxWidth:maxHeight:
Explore available icons here : Icons
Download icons package here :
Unzip the archive in your computer :
Set up the directory with the unzipped directory with the dedicated settings section :
There are three different ways to get an icon :
"from object method"
self materialIconNamed: #check.
"from class access method"
MaterialDesignIconsLibrary name: #check.
"from direct class version access method, in case of multiple supported versions, here this is 4th version of the library"
MaterialDesignIcons4Library name: #check.
Material Design 4 provides 5 icon styles : Filled (by default), Outlined, Rounded, Sharp and TwoTone.
These styles are enumerated in MaterialDesignIconsStyle
To use it :
"3 ways to get a Form from Object method for each style"
form := self materialFilledIconNamed: #check_circle. "returned by default"
form := self materialIconNamed: #check_circle style: #filled. "returned by default"
form := self materialIconNamed: #check_circle style: MaterialDesignIconsStyle filled. "returned by default"
form := self materialOutlinedIconNamed: #check_circle.
form := self materialIconNamed: #check_circle style: #outlined.
form := self materialIconNamed: #check_circle style: MaterialDesignIconsStyle outlined.
form := self materialRoundedIconNamed: #check_circle.
form := self materialIconNamed: #check_circle style: #rounded.
form := self materialIconNamed: #check_circle style: MaterialDesignIconsStyle rounded.
form := self materialSharpIconNamed: #check_circle.
form := self materialIconNamed: #check_circle style: #sharp.
form := self materialIconNamed: #check_circle style: MaterialDesignIconsStyle sharp.
form := self materialTwoToneIconNamed: #check_circle.
form := self materialIconNamed: #check_circle style: #twoTone.
form := self materialIconNamed: #check_circle style: MaterialDesignIconsStyle twoTone.
Explore available icons here :
Download the code of the official github project as a ZIP (it contains the icons package) here :
Unzip the archive on your computer.
Set up the directory with the unzipped directory with the dedicated settings section.
There are three different ways to get an icon :
"from object method"
self antIconNamed: #checkCircle.
"from class access method"
AntDesignIconsLibrary name: #checkCircle.
Ant Design provides 3 icon styles : Filled (by default), Outlined and TwoTone.
These styles are enumerated in AntDesignIconsStyle
To use it :
"3 ways to get a Form from Object method for each style"
form := self antFilledIconNamed: #checkCircle. "returned by default"
form := self antIconNamed: #checkCircle style: #filled. "returned by default"
form := self antIconNamed: #checkCircle style: AntDesignIconsStyle filled. "returned by default"
form := self antOutlinedIconNamed: #checkCircle. "returned by default"
form := self antIconNamed: #checkCircle style: #outlined. "returned by default"
form := self antIconNamed: #checkCircle style: AntDesignIconsStyle outlined.
form := self antTwoToneIconNamed: #checkCircle. "returned by default"
form := self antIconNamed: #checkCircle style: #twoTone. "returned by default"
form := self antIconNamed: #checkCircle style: AntDesignIconsStyle twoTone.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.