The simplest architecture for RxSwift
Simulation of a discrete system (finite-state machine) with feedback loops.
- [system with feedback loops](
- [fixpoint solver](
- [local equilibrium point calculator](
- ....
System simulation will be started upon subscription and stopped after subscription is disposed.
System state is represented as a `State` parameter.
Events are represented by `Event` parameter.
- parameter initialState: Initial state of the system.
- parameter accumulator: Calculates new system state from existing state and a transition event (system integrator, reducer).
- parameter feedback: Feedback loops that produce events depending on current system state.
- returns: Current state of the system.
public static func system<State, Event>(
initialState: State,
reduce: @escaping (State, Event) -> State,
feedback: (Observable<State>) -> Observable<Event>...
) -> Observable<State>
- If the system doesn't have state -> congrats, you have either a pure function or an observable sequence
- It the system does have state, here we are :)
- Interaction with that state is by definition a feedback loop.
- => It's just state CQRS
- if it's state -> State
- if it's a way to modify state -> Event/Command
- it it's an effect -> encode it into part of state and then design a feedback loop
- System behavior is first declaratively specified and effects begin after subscribe is called => Compile time proof there are no "unhandled states"
Debugging is easier
- A lot of logic is just normal pure function that can be debugged using Xcode debugger, or just printing the commands.
Can be applied on any level
- Entire system
- application (state is stored inside a database, CoreData, Firebase, Realm)
- view controller (state is stored inside
operator) - inside feedback loop (another
operator inside feedback loop)
Works awesome with dependency injection
- Reducer is a pure function, just call it and assert results
- In case effects are being tested -> TestScheduler
Can model circular dependencies
Completely separates business logic from effects (Rx).
- Business logic can be transpiled between platforms (ShiftJS, C , J2ObjC)
initialState: 0,
reduce: { (state, event) -> State in
switch event {
case .increment:
return state 1
case .decrement:
return state - 1
scheduler: MainScheduler.instance,
// UI is user feedback
UI.bind { state in
([ label.rx.text)
], [ { Event.increment }, { Event.decrement }
Simple automatic feedback loop.
initialState: State.humanHasIt,
reduce: { (state: State, event: Event) -> State in
switch event {
case .throwToMachine:
return .machineHasIt
case .throwToHuman:
return .humanHasIt
scheduler: MainScheduler.instance,
// UI is human feedback
// NoUI, machine feedback
react(query: { $0.machinePitching }, effects: { () -> Observable<Event> in
return Observable<Int>
.timer(1.0, scheduler: MainScheduler.instance)
.map { _ in Event.throwToHuman }
initialState: State.empty,
reduce: State.reduce,
// UI, user feedback
// NoUI, automatic feedback
react(query: { $0.loadNextPage }, effects: { resource in
return URLSession.shared.loadRepositories(resource: resource)
.asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: .failure(.offline))
Run RxFeedback.xcodeproj
> Example
to find out more.
- Elm - pretty close, feedback loops for effects instead of
, which effects to perform are encoded into state and querried by feedback loops - Redux - kind of like this, but feedback loops instead of middleware
- Redux-Observable - observables observe state vs. being inside middleware between view and state
- Cycle.js - no simple explanation :), ask @andrestaltz
- MVVM - separates state from effects and doesn't require a view