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My journey with VIM!!

vim : vi Improved.

vi refers to visual.

VIM modes

  • Normal mode - Where you enter commands. You'll be in normal mode when you open a file.

  • Insert mode - Where you type in the content of the file, need to press i to enter insert mode after opening a file.

  • Line/command mode - Where you enter command to either save/quit or do some quick operation. Press Esc and : to enter this mode.

Basic commands


write and quit


q quit when there is no changes to the file during that session, if there is it give a error saying no write since last change. Which means you havn't saved after last change that was being done.

q! exclamation acts as a forced option, q! forced quit.


    j : move down a line
    k : move up a line
    h : move left one character
    l : move right one character


  • Arrow keys works just fine.
Move page wise
    Ctrl   f : forward one page
    Ctrl   b : backward one page


  • z enter move the view, keeping your cursor position fixed.
Move by word
    w : move one word forward
    W : move one word forward ignoring the punctuations.
    b : move one word backward
    B : move one word forward ignoring the punctuations.
Move using regular expression
    ^ or 0 : move to start of the line
    $      : move to end of the line
Move via goto
    gg      : start of the file
    G       : end of the file
    2gg     : go to second line of the file
    2G      : go to second line of the file
    ngg/nG  : go to nth line. (n can be any number )
    ctrl   g : Show more info about the file, filename line number etc.
using command mode
    :10 - go to 10th line of the file.
    :$ - last line of the file.


    x   : delete the next letter.
    X   : delete the previous letter.

    dw  : delete a word.
  • pattern is d for delete and w for move by word.

      d3w  : delete 3 words
      3dw  : delete a word and repeat 3 times.
  • Generic pattern ( count{operation}count{motion} )

    count operation count motion
    3 d 3 w

    delete 3 words and repeat it 3 times.

    which is similar to 9dw: delete word 9 times.

       dd       : delete an entire line.
       d$ or D  : delete till end of the line.
       dG  : delete till end of the file.
       dgg : delete from cursor position to start of the file.

    NOTE: . is used to repeat the previous command.

Help system

 > :help or :h 

to get help for particular command.


   :h dd

Give information about dd command.

Note: Whatever use you inside square bracket in vim help system is optional. ex:

       :h dd
        dd                  Delete [count] lines [into register x] |linewise|. 

specifying count and into register x is optional.

Ctrl   o        : to go previous help search
Ctrl   i        : to go next help search
Ctrl   w   w    : toggle between your file and help file.

Cut, copy and paste

  • Comparison between standard editors vs vim

    Standard Vim
    cut delete d
    copy yank y
    paste put p

    undo : u Redo : ctrl R

    Same pattern motion works here as well.

       3yy - copy 3 lines.


    Registers are storage locations.

Types of registers:

    *   Unnamed registers   : ""
    *   Numbered registers  : "0 "1 .... "9
    *   named registers     : "a "b .... "z 

Notes about Numbered registers:
    * "0    : stores the last yanked data.
    * "1    : stores the last deleted data.
    * ""    : stores the data of last operation

Notes about named registers
    * "a    : stores the data in register named a.
    * "A    : Append to the data which is already present in a register.

To know the content of register 


	 i	: to enter insert mode.
     	 I	: to start entering from the beginning of the line.
	 f[any character]	: move to that character in the line.
	 a	: insert after the cursor postion.
	 A	: start appending text at the end of the line.
	 o	: enter insert mode on the next line.
	 O	: enter insert mode on the previous line.
	 J	: to join to lines.
	 R	: to enter replace mode
	 r	: to replace only only character without leaving the normal mode.
	 c	: change word.
	 EX: I love black girls.
	 		Point your cursor at black and then press cw (change word)
			and enter your text as you'll be in insert mode and then press escape.
	cW : change word with punctuations. 
	~	: to change the case of a letter.
	g~w	: change the case of a word.
	g~~	: Negate the case of entire line.
	gUw	: change the entire word after cursor position to uppercase.
	guw	: change the entire word from cursor position to uppercase.

Repeating commands

	Create a line of asterisks below:
	-	80i --> you'll enter insert mode, enter * and press escape.
	Create 3 lines that begin with "-" below:
	-	3o --> insert mode, enter - and press escape

Search Find and Replace

Letter Search
	f{char}	: forward search that character in a line.
	F{char}	: reverse search that character in a line.
	t{char} : forward search till (before that character) that character in a line.
	T{char}	: reverse search till character in a line.
	;	: repeat in forward direction.
	,	: repeat in reverse direction.
Word Search
	/{word} : forward search in the file.
	?{word}	: reverse search in the file. 
	n	: go to next match.
	N	: go to prevous match.
	*	: to highlight all occurance forward.
	#	: to highlight all occurance backward.
	- range can be:
		$		: last line.
		.		: current line.
		1s		: first line.
		1,5s/old/new/g	: 1st to 5th line.
		1,$		: 1st to last line.
		%		: Entire file.
		OR it can also be pattern
		/Global/,/Local/s/old/new/g	: from text GLobal till Local do that subtitution.
		/Local/,$s/old/new/g		: from text Local till end of the file do that 
Global substitution


	- set is			: incremental search
	- set hls/hlsearch	: highlight search
	- set nu			: show number
	To unset use no{configname}
	To toggle conginame!

Text objext

a	: around / all
i	: inner/ inside

Ex: To delete a word when a cursor is somewhere in the middle of the text.
	- daw	: deletes the following delimiter as well like a space, comma etc.
	- diw	: deletes only the word.
	- ciw	: change inner word.
	- das	: delete the sentence including the delimiter.
	- cis	: change the inner sentence.
  • Operations with text objects

    Action explanation
    p paragraph
    t tag
    " double quotes
    ' single quotes
    [ , ( , { self explanatory


      q {name of the register}`: to start recording the macro.
      @{name of the register} to play that macro.
      @@ to play the last macro.
      q{capital of the register} to append to the macro.

    Visual Mode

    • There are three type of visual modes:

      • Characterwise : v to enter characterwise visual mode
      • Line wise : V to enter linewise visual mode
      • Block wise : Ctrl v to enter block wise visual mode
  • Just some of commands you can use in visual mode include:

      ~ - Switch case
      c - Change
      d - Delete
      y - Yank
      r - Replace
      x - Delete
      I - Insert
      A - Append
      J - Join
      u - Make lowercase
      U - Make uppercase
      > - Shift right
      < - Shift left


Use to open mutiple files in vim.

:e  | :edit 	: open file from vim
:ls | :buffers	: show list of files in buffer
:b  | :buffer	: switch to other buffer. Ex b{buffer-no} or b {filename}
:bn | :bnext	: go to next buffer
:bp | :bprevious : go to previous buffer
:bl | :blast	: go to last buffer
:bf | :bfirst	: go to first buffer
:badd 		: add a file to the buffer without moving from your current file.
:bd | :bdelete	: delete the file from the buffer.
:bufdo		: execute a command on all the buffers.

set hidden - It's a config to say I will move between the buffers without saving and save all at
	     once if maybe.
:E 	- Explore directory like ls.	     


:sp 	: to split a window horizontally.
:vs	: to split a window verically.

ctrl   w w : navigate between the windows.

Use ctrl   w {j/k/l/h} : for moving between the windows.

windo %s/old/new/g 	: to perform some substitution on all open windows.


My journey with VIM!!






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