Futugram - A small web application that allows users to upload photos and share them with the wider world.
Demo here.
React (UI):
- Next.js: Server Side Rendering, routing and tooling.
- Styled Components: Styling
- React-Apollo: Interfacing with Apollo Client
Apollo Client (Managing data):
- Perform GraphQL Mutations and Queries.
- Caching GraphQL Data.
- Managing error and loading states.
GraphQL Yoga (Express GraphQL Server):
- Implements Query and Mutation Resolvers.
- Authentication.
- Custom logic (Geolocation).
Prisma (GraphQL Databse Interface):
- Queried by Yoga Server.
- Provides a set of GraphQL CRUD APIs for different database.
- Schema definition.
- Data relationships.
To setup the project go inside the backend
and the frontend
folders and follow the instructions.