Live Link: BidPlus App
User Authentication:
Users can create an account on the BidPlus platform and log in/out securely. This feature is implemented using Firebase, ensuring robust authentication and authorization. -
Job Posting:
Users can hire workers by posting detailed descriptions of their work requirements on the platform. -
Bidding System:
Users can bid/apply for jobs. When a user attempts to bid on a project, they are redirected to a details page where they must submit a form to place their bid. -
Bid Management:
In the details route, users can click "Place Your Bid," which redirects them to their bids overview. Here, they can see all the jobs they have bid on. -
Job Owner Interaction:
When a user bids on a job, the job owner receives the user's information, allowing them to accept or reject the bid. The status of the bids will show as either In Progress (if accepted) or Canceled (if rejected).
Clone the Repository:
Clone this repository to your local machine using:git clone
Install Dependencies:
Navigate to the project directory and install the required dependencies:cd bidplus npm install
Configure Firebase:
Set up your Firebase project and add the configuration details in your environment file. -
Run the App:
Start the development server to view the app in your browser:npm start
- Frontend: React.js, React-Router
- Backend: Firebase Authentication and Firestore
- Styling: CSS / TailwindCSS
Contributions are welcome! If you have ideas for improvements or new features, feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue.