This repository contains a simple implementation of a DSA in Go.
- RectangularPattren - Draw the stars in rectagular way
Input: num = 4
* * * *
* * * *
* * * *
* * * *
- RightAngledTrianglePattren - Draw the stars in right angled triangle way
Input: num = 4
* *
* * *
* * * *
- InsertAtStart - Insert a value at the beginning of the list.
- InsertAtEnd - Insert a value at the end of the list.
- Display - Display the entire linked list.
- IsEmpty - Check if the list is empty.
- DeleteByValue - Delete a node by its value.
- DeleteFromStart - Delete a node from the start of the list.
- DeleteFromEnd - Delete a node from the end of the list.
- Count - Count the node list.
- Reverse - Reverse the list.
- LinearSearch - Searching in the list with linear search.
- Middle - Find the middle of the list.
- RemoveDuplicate - Remove the duplicates from the unsorted list.
- Find - Find the value by index in list.
- IsCycle - Detect the cycle in list.
- InsertAtStart - Insert a value at the beginning of the list.
- IsEmpty - Check if the list is empty.
- Count - Count the nodes in the list.
- Find - Find the value by index in list.