- Momocs is an R package intended to ease and to popularize morphometrics, the quantitative analysis of form.
- It aims at gathering the most common approaches: traditional morphometrics, global descriptors, open outlines, closed outlines and configuration of landmarks into the same, open-source, environment.
- And using the same, simple and easy-to-learn, open-source, and extendable grammar both for the user and programmers.
- Momocs hinges on the core functions developed in the book Morphometrics with R by Julien Claude (2008), wraps them into the same coding grammar, and extends them both graphically and statistically.
Note: Momocs is being extensively rewritten (from v0.2 available on CRAN and published in Journal of Statistical Software to the version v0.9 available only on GitHub so far. I plan a releaase of the version v0.9 before July 2014 and a release of v1.0 which will include all the features marked with an asterisk (*) below, before September, 2014.
Data acquisition
Outline extraction
Landmark definition on outlines
Import from .nts, .tps, PAST, .txt, .xls, .csv
Outline analysis
Elliptical Fourier analysis
Radius Variation Fourier analysis
Tangent Angle Fourier analysis
Eigen shape analysis*
Calibration (shape reconstruction, deviation, harmonic power, etc.)
Natural (raw) polynomials
Orthogonal (Legendre) polynomials
Discrete Cosinus Transform*
Same calibration methods as above
Configuration of landmarks
Full Generalized Procrustes Adjustment
Resistant Fit Procrustes Adjustments*
Sliding semi-landmarks*
Traditional morphometrics and global shape descriptors
Some built-in facilities for multivariate analysis
A long list of shape scalars (eg. eccentricity, rectilinearity, etc.)
Multivariate analysis
Mean shape (groupwise) calculations
Principal component analysis (with morphospace)
Multivariate analysis of variance
Linear discriminant analysis (with morphospace)
Hierarchical clustering
Regression trees*
Multidimensional scaling*
Allometry / modularity testing*
Graphical methods
Morphospaces for all morphometrics methods (and for combined views*) x PCA, LDA
Thin plate splines and deformation grids
Family pictures and quick inspection of whole datasets
Many other morphometrics plots
From R:
For the very last version:
install_github(c("vbonhomme/Momocs", "vbonhomme"))
You are welcome to:
- test Momocs and send me your feedback
- submit suggestions and bug-reports
- ask for hotline
- collaborate with me
- just send an email to: [email protected]
- A graphical introduction to Momocs which will aim to be a complete guide to morphometrics using Momocs even if you never heard of R or what (x; y) coordinates may be.
- Blog posts, ref card, FAQ, to come.