I am Martino, PhD Student at the Open University. I graduated in Software Engineering and I am interested in Machine Learning and Explainability. In my PhD I am exploring how different news source are using propaganda to present related events.
I like to understand how things work and I think that Artificial Intelligence should be more than algorithms that learn to perform complex tasks; we have to focus about explainable methods that enable the crowds to understand why things happen, to be able to face and remove bias, correct models and enabling the humans to improve their learning capabilities.
My main contributions here are:
- models for SpaCy:
- creator of spacy-sentence-bert, a SpaCy wrapper for Sentence Transformers
- creator of spacy-universal-sentence-encoder, a SpaCy wrapper for Universal Sentence Encoder
- creator of spacy-dbpedia-spotlight, a SpaCy wrapper for DBPedia Spotlight
- mantainer of spaCy-entity-linker, a pipeline for spaCy that performs Linked Entity Extraction with Wikidata on a given Document
- Italian GloVe, an Italian version of GloVe trained on Wikipedia
- MisinfoMe: an app to analyse twitter profiles. It is made of four backend services and one frontend:
- credibility: aggregating information about credibility of URLs, websites, tweets
- twitter-connector: managing interaction with Twitter API
- claimreview-collector: retrieving ClaimReview from public websites, providing the manually annotated ground truth
- backend: orchestrating the different services, providing data to the Frontend
- frontend-v2: the user interface available at https://misinfo.me/
- My Master's thesis project: Joint contextual NLU and paper
- Supports for Master's courses at Politecnico di Torino: see the complete list here
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