Tags: Maker-Management-Platform/mmp-ui
Toggle v1.3.0's commit message
Merge pull request #144 from Maker-Management-Platform/142-implement-…
Toggle v1.3.0-rc's commit message
Merge pull request #144 from Maker-Management-Platform/142-implement-…
Toggle v1.2.0's commit message
Merge pull request #133 from Maker-Management-Platform/87-implement-f…
87 implement file upload to octoprint
Toggle v1.1.2's commit message
Merge pull request #131 from Maker-Management-Platform/124-bug-create…
BUG create printer without name #124
Toggle v1.1.1's commit message
Merge pull request #129 from Maker-Management-Platform/126-dasbhoard-…
Dasbhoard widgets on mac m2 air 13 #126
Toggle v1.1.0's commit message
Merge pull request #123 from Maker-Management-Platform/master
Toggle v1.1.0-rc-02's commit message
Merge pull request #121 from Maker-Management-Platform/95-feature-req…
Feature Request: Make Tags on Project page clickable #95
Toggle v1.1.0-rc-01's commit message
Merge pull request #120 from Maker-Management-Platform/119-bug-settin…
BUG Settings not saving thingiverse token #119
Toggle v1.0.2's commit message
Merge pull request #99 from Maker-Management-Platform/98-improve-fall…
Improved cards for assets with no image Improve fallback for assets w…
Toggle v1.0.1's commit message
Merge pull request #91 from Maker-Management-Platform/90-typeerror-fl…
90 typeerror fle is not a function
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