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Data Generator DSL


developer-friendly domain specific language for data generator purpose

A DSL for data generator, makes your life better.


  • Recipe DSL
  • Loot Table DSL
  • Advancement DSL
  • Language DSL


Groovy gradle:

repositories {
    maven { url url '' }

dependencies {
    implementation fg.deobf('curse.maven:data-generator-dsl-473005:FILE_ID')

Kotlin gradle:

repositories {
    maven(url = '')

dependencies {
Versions File ID
1.0.0 3279767

Table of Contents


Shaped Recipe

recipe(resultItem, count) { // Count is set to 1 in default
    pattern {
    } // You don't need to trim string, mod will done for you.

    key {
        'x' to YourItem // Creates a key
    } // You can add more keys if there are more.

    group("") // Your Group here

    criterion {
        "has_dirt" to hasItem(AnotherItem) // Creates a Criterion
    } // You can add more criterions if there are more.
}.build(conumer) // Remember to build

Conditional Recipe

conditionalRecipe {
    condition {
        // Your Conditions here, examples in Condition part.

    recipe {
        recipe(resultItem, count) {
        }.build(this) // add your shaped recipe here, build it with `this` keyword instead of `it`

    advancement(advancementID) {
        // Your ConditionalAdvancement here, examples in ConditionalAdvancement part.
}.genAdvancement().build(consumer, recipeID) // You can discard genAdvancement()
// or
conditionalRecipe {
    // ...
}.build(consumer) {
    "minecraft" to "conditional" // Creates a ResourceLocation


// ... We take ConditionalRecipe as example
condition {
    and {
                modLoaded {
                itemExists {
                    "minecraft" to "dirt" // Creates a ResourceLocation
// or
condition {
    or {
// or
condition {
// ...

Conditional Advancement

// ... We take ConditionalRecipe as example
adavancement(conditionalAdavancementID) {
    condition {
        // Your Condition here

    advancement { // Actual Advancement
        // Your Advancement here, examples in Advancement part.
// ...


// ... We take ConditionalAdvancement as example
advancement {
    parentID {
        "minecraft" to "test" // Creates a ResourceLocation

    parent {

     * You must provide either parentID or parent

        // Construct your AdvancementBuilder.DisplayInfo here
// ...

Loot Table

lootTable {
    parameterSet(paramSet)  // Set a predefined loot parameter set
    parameterSet {          // Or create your own loot parameters here
        optional(param1, param2) // Defines param1 and param2 as optional parameters, add more if you want
        required(param3, param4) // Defines param3 and param4 as optional parameters, add more if you want

    pool { // Create a loot pool with exactly 1 roll in default and empty name. You can change rolls with `pool(roll = yourRollNumber)`, same as changing loot pool name.
        // See Loot Pool

     *  Note: You can add pools with the following examples.

    pool(1, 9f) { // Loot pool with binomial range of rolls, beware of the number type you passed in.


    pool(1f, 7f) { // Loot pool with random range of rolls, beware of the number type you passed in.


    function {
        // See Loot Functions

Loot Pool

// ... We take Loot Table's pool as example
pool {
    // You can add as many loot entries in a single pool
    itemLoot(Items.STICK)                       // Create a item loot entry, you can pass item or block.
    tagLoot(ItemTags.WOOL)                      // Create a tag loot entry
    tableLoot(ResourceLocation("grass_block"))  // Create a table loot entry
    alternativesLoot {                          // Create a alternative loot entry
        // ... Add more loot entries here
    dynamicLoot(ShulkerBoxBlock.CONTENTS)       // Create a dynamic loot entry
    emptyLoot {
        weight(2)   // Optional
        quality(2)  // Optional

    function {
        // See Loot Functions

    condition {
        // See Loot Conditions

    bonusRoll(1f, 7f) // Optional
// ...

Loot Entry

This part is tricky since not every loot entry is same as others, so check out source code if you're not sure.

// ... We take Loot Pool's item loot entry as example
itemLoot(Items.STICK) {
    function {
        // See Loot Functions

    condition {
        // See Loot Conditions

    weight(2)   // Optional
    quality(2)  // Optional
// ...

Alternatives loot entry is kinda different from other loot entries, see below:

alternativeLoot {
    condition {
        // See Loot Conditions

    // You can add as many loot entries in a single alternative loot entry
    itemLoot(Items.STICK)                       // Create a item loot entry, you can pass item or block.
    tagLoot(ItemTags.WOOL)                      // Create a tag loot entry
    tableLoot(ResourceLocation("grass_block"))  // Create a table loot entry
    alternativesLoot {                          // Create a alternative loot entry
        // ... Add more loot entries here
    dynamicLoot(ShulkerBoxBlock.CONTENTS)       // Create a dynamic loot entry
    emptyLoot {
        weight(2)   // Optional
        quality(2)  // Optional

Notice that alternative loot entry does not have function, weight and quality.

Loot Functions

There are lots of loot functions, checkout source code for more info.

// ... We take Loot Table's function as example
function {
    copyNbt(CopyNbt.Source.BLOCK_ENTITY) {
        copy("inv", "BlockEntityTag.inv", CopyNbt.Action.REPLACE)
        copy("energy", "", CopyNbt.Action.REPLACE)
    content {
// ...

Loot Conditions

There are lots of loot conditions, checkout source code for more info.

// ... We take Loot Pool's conditions as example
condition {
// ...


You can make nbt compound with data gen dsl, here's an example:

nbt { // this top-level-function creates a nbt compound
    int("integer", 1) // define key "integer" with integer value 1
    int("integer") {  // or you can defines a key in this way
        // Evaluate your integer value here

    compound("compound") { // define key "compound" with a nbt compound
        // ...

    list("list", listOf("yap", "this", "is", "example")) // define key "list" with list of strings
    list("compoundList") { // You might want to define a compound list in this way
        compound {
            // ...
    list("ughh") { // Highly not recommended

    intArray("intArray", listOf(1, 2, 3)) // defines key "intArray" with a list of integers


// ... We take LanguageProvider's function `addTranslations` as example
override fun addTranslations() {
    lang {
        Blocks.STONE to "Stone"
        Items.DIAMOND to "Diamond"
        Effects.POISON to "Poison"
        Enchantments.SHARPNESS to "Sharpness"
        EntityType.CAT to "Cat"
        "$MODID.test.unicode" to "\u0287s\u01DD\u2534 \u01DDpo\u0254\u1D09u\u2229"