- Split the compile kernel procedure into separate modules to better handle uplink kernels
- Write the neighbors link kernel compilation ✔️
- Handle user defined topological links ✔️
- Handle the shell uplinks ✔️
- Write the tet and triangles shell generation ✔️
- Write the ball of edges or triangles ✔️
- Write the triangles and tets neighbors generation ✔️
- Add the voyeurs information in all the uplink data and kernel sources ✔️
- Add a reduction internal kernel with min, max and L1 ✔️
- Add single float, double float and user selectable real float ✔️
- Make the GMlib reentrant ✔️
- Revise the parameters structure mechanism ✔️
GmlReduce(GMlibIndex, ReductionOpperation, &residual);
- Tetrahedral mesh nodes smoother ✔️
- Tetrahedral mesh quality calculation and statistics ✔️
- Basic iterative edge based solver with boundary conditions ✔️
- Quick reference card
- GitHub page ✔️
- Optional include of libMeshb ✔️
- Write a .meshb to GMlib import module ✔️
- Write a .solb to GMlib import module
- Write a GMlib to .solb export module ✔️
- Optional include of LPlib
- Write a renumbering analyzer preprocessor ✔️
- Call the LPlib Hilbert renumbering and renumber the whole input data
- Provide a plugin functions mechanism available on the GPU side ✔️
- Develop basic geometric functions on tets, hexes, triangles, quads and edges
- length, surface, volume and quality ✔️
- Handle hybrid meshes with prisms and pyramids
- Update the ball generation to handle hybrid meshes
- Update the shell generation to handle hybrid meshes
- Update the neighbors generation to handle hybrid meshes
- Add a SetBlock() function for faster upload ✔️
- Add a GetBlock() function for faster download
GmlImportMesh("file.meshb", GmfTetrahedra, GmfTriangles, GmfVertices, 0);
✔️GmlImportSolution("file.solb", GmfSolAtTetrahedra, GmfSolAtVertices, 0);
GmlExportMesh("file.meshb", NmbDat, IdxTab[]);
GmlExportSolution("file.solb", NmbDat, IdxTab[]);
- Update quality and node smoother with the internal geometric functions
- Develop the same two codes working with hexes
- Add a Hilbert check and renumber step to all examples
- Full PDF documentation with quick setup, install, compile, write OpenCL code and procedure lists
- Full GitHub page with examples, sample files, source code and links to OpenCL and GPU programing
- Add P2 and P3 simplicial elements handling except for some geometrical operations
- Develop basic geometric functions on prisms and pyramids
- Distance and intersection
- Develop a CUDA version
- Develop a Bezier to Lagrange converter on the GPU
- Develop a Lagrange to Bezier converter on the GPU
GmlInit(idx, CUDA | OpenCL);
- New keywords: GmlEdgesP2, GmlEdgesP3, GmlTrianglesP2, GmlTrianglesP3, GmlTetrahedraP2, GmlTetrahedraP3
distance = DisVerVer(float4 a, float4 ver);
distance = DisVerEdg(float4 a, float4 edg[2]);
distance = DisVerTri(float4 a, float4 tri[3]);
coordinates[2] = BarVerEdg(float4 a, float4 edg[2]);
coordinates[3] = BarVerTri(float4 a, float4 tri[3]);
coordinates[4] = BarVerTet(float4 a, float4 tet[4]);
flag = IntEdgTri(float4 edg[2], float4 tri[3], float4 ver);
edg[ 2] = BezLagEdgP2(float4 edg[ 2]);
edg[ 3] = BezLagEdgP3(float4 edg[ 3]);
tri[ 6] = BezLagTriP2(float4 tri[ 6]);
tri[10] = BezLagTriP3(float4 tri[ 6]);
tet[10] = BezLagTetP2(float4 tet[10]);
tet[20] = BezLagTetP3(float4 tet[20]);
edg[ 2] = LagBezEdgP2(float4 edg[ 2]);
edg[ 3] = LagBezEdgP3(float4 edg[ 3]);
tri[ 6] = LagBezTriP2(float4 tri[ 6]);
tri[10] = LagBezTriP3(float4 tri[ 6]);
tet[10] = LagBezTetP2(float4 tet[10]);
tet[20] = LagBezTetP3(float4 tet[20]);
length = CalEdgP2Len(float4 edg[ 2]);
length = CalEdgP3Len(float4 edg[ 3]);
surface = CalTriP2Srf(float4 tri[ 6]);
surface = CalTriP3Srf(float4 tri[10]);
volume = CalTetP2Vol(float4 tet[10]);
volume = CalTetP3Vol(float4 tet[20]);
quality = CalTriP2Qal(float4 tri[ 6]);
quality = CalTriP3Qal(float4 tri[10]);
quality = CalTetP2Qal(float4 tet[10]);
quality = CalTetP3Qal(float4 tet[20]);
- P2 quality mesh calculator
- P3 quality mesh calculator
- Compute the Hausdorff distance between two meshes
- Update documentation and GitHub with High order elements
- Add a WiKi on how to develop additional plugins