This project generates the latest results for the COVID-19 multiscale ensemble model.
The presentation is generated using the panel python library
- python
To view the interactive presentation generated by this code visit:
To install:
- Copy the files in this repository to a directory of choice
- Install Anaconda from
- install panel: conda install panel bokeh holoviews matplotlib
Dependant libraries are: panel, bokeh, holoviews, matplotlib, some external html files are made with holoviews.
- : Code that generates the presentation.
- Images : a directory containing images used to generate the presentation.
- Resource : a directory containing other resources combined into the presentation.
- COVID19_Ensemble_Latest.html : The presentation file.
- Redirect_COVID19_Ensemble_Latest.html - redirection to new web site
Please pass questions to:
Jacob Barhak Ph.D.
Special thanks to:
- Philipp Rudiger
- James Bednar
- Jean-Luc Stevens
They all assisted with panel, bokeh, and holoviews issues. without their support and development of HoloViz visualization tools, this interactive presentation would not be possible.
Also thanks to Filippo Castiglione, Robin Thompson, William Hart, Alan Perelson, Lucas Boettcher and Eric Forgoston for making models available that were integrated in the model
Logos of Anaconda, Holoviz, MIDAS, SciPod, United Solutions are properties of these organizations and used with permission. Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Jacob Barhak