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A freely configurable REST server supporting the Viessmann Optolink interface.


Supported services:

  • Web server including animated graphics for visualizing current heating system status information.
  • Metrics scrape API according to OpenMetrics specification supporting Prometheus.

In order to not overload the slow optical interface the service caches all exposed parameters. Cache expiration can be globally and indivdually configured.

The software provides a sample configuration to display information of a 20CB type. Note that addresses seem to vary between installations. Hence use write operations only after validation of the read interface.

Web UI

A minimalistic graphical UI displays current system values including temperatures and pump operation. The only active component is the circulation pump that may be triggered for a programmed time interval via mouse click.


  • libmicrohttpd - The project uses libmicrohttpd for serving files and the REST API.
  • pugixml - Used for parsing the configuration xml file
  • jquery - Only needed when making use of the animated svg html page.

Build instructions

A Makefile supports building as daemon for Linux. Additionally a Visual Studio project file is provided for Windows.

Linux prerequisit:

  • apt-get install libmicrohttpd-dev
  • apt-get install libmicrohttpd12
  • apt-get install libgpiod-dev

For Windows copy binaries and include file into directory src


The startup file config.xml consists of two main sections 'service' and 'api'.


The service section allows to configure the service endpoint, the location of files to be served and logging configuration.

Service endpoints:

  • http - Configuration of port for REST API for getting and setting values.
  • metrics - REST API root to be exposed as metrics for OpenMetrics compatible scrape services. Note that the values are always served via the well defined path /metrics.

Logging levels available:

1 Log read and write commands with address and hex payload 3 Log hex communication on the wire


All xml nodes beyond API are directly served as path. An xml node may either have children or is a leaf node. Leaf nodes need an address, a type and optionally an operation definition.

The following example exposes the path /api/status with subnodes. Boiler is a decimal fixed point value to be read via address 0802, while circulation is a boolean value to be read at address 6515. Additionally the refresh rate for the circulation pump is set to two seconds to provide a more responsive interface.

      <boiler type='decimal' addr='0802'/>
      <circulation type='bool' addr='6515' refresh='2'/>

A client may choose to request a single parameter /api/status/temperature/boiler or request a set of information via /api/status.

The following attributes allow to map interface nodes to heating system parameters:

  1. type
  • decimal (1/10 fixed point)
  • centi (1/100 fixed point)
  • milli (1/1000 fixed point)
  • int (integer)
  • half (1/2 fixed point)
  • hex (hexadecimal)
  • bool (boolean)
  1. len [byte] By default all parameters but boolean and half are assuemed to be of two byte length. With the optional attribute len the default can be overwritten.

  2. operation By default all parameters are assumed to be readonly. Set operation to 'rw' for read/write, 'w' for write only and 'p' for pulse. Pulse needs a further 'duration' attribute to define the duration of the pulse in seconds.

  3. refresh [seconds] The server default cache refresh rate can be individually adjusted for commands. Thermal parameters are typically changing slowly allowing for longer caching while boolean value may need to be adapted quicker in order to provide feedback.

GPIO Monitoring

API entries with attribute gpio='line' are read from the GPIO interface. The mode defaults to counter. Use attribute frequency='true' to monitor the observed frequency instead. Note the caveat that in case no counts arrive the frequency will only gradually decrease due to lack of more exact information.

In order to cope with bouncing due to contact issues as well as double spikes GPIO debouncing can be controlled via the following entries:

    <gpio addr='4' min='100' ratio='5'/>

The min value defines the minimum duration in milliseconds while the ratio defines the allowed ratio between the biggest and smalles gap.


Thanks to the indepth engineering efforts of the following projects:

For more information on visualizing see


  • https configuration
  • authentication
  • MQTT publisher


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